Discuss the efficacy of treatment strategies appropriate for this particular client. How do classic and contemporary psychology theories support these conclusions?

PSY 626 Final Project Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: For this milestone, t ake the case report from PSY 622 and develop part VII of the final project: VII. Treatment Strategies A. Discuss the efficacy of treatment strategies appropriate for this particular client. B. How do classic and contemporary psychology theories support these conclusions? Make sure this section of your assessment reflects the most current in clinical practices. You will also w ant to take into account ethical practices and the roles that may be taken by any individuals involved in the treatments. Remember to consider who hired you (the law firm in the final project) and, therefore, to whom you are responsible to disclose informa tion. Guidelines for Submission : You should submit a well -developed and theory based treatment strategy for the case study client from PSY 622. Your paper must be submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12 -point Times New Roman font, one -inch margins, and sources cited in APA format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more in formation, review these instructions . Critical Elements Exemplary (100% ) Proficient (90% ) Needs Improvement (70% ) Not Evident (0% ) Value Treatment Strategies: Efficacy Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry -specific language to establish expertise Clearly and completely discusses the efficacy of treatment strategies appropriate to the client Discusses the efficacy in a very brief and cursory way, or selects treatm ent strategies that are not app ropriate to the specific client Does not discuss the e fficacy of treatment strategies 28 Treatment Strategies: Theories Meets “Proficient” criteria and discussion draws insightful connections between theories and the practice of forensic psychology Clearly supports discussion of treatment efficacy with classic and c ontemporary psychology theories Supports discussion of treatment efficacy with classic or contemporary psychology theories, but not both, or a very brief an d cursory way Does not support treatment efficacy disc ussion with psychology theories 19 Treatment Strategies: Ethics Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry -specific language to establish expertise Discusses ethics appropriately as they apply to the treatment strategies selected Discusses the ethics of identified treatment strategies, but only in a very brief and cursory way Does not discuss the ethics of identified treatment strategies 19 Treatment Strategies:

Comprehensiveness Meets “Proficient ” criteria and cites specifi c research for the choices made Proposes a comprehensive treatment strategy that meets all of the clients’ needs Proposes a comprehensive treatment strategy, but not one that is appropriate for the speci fic client, in whole or in part Does not propose com prehensive treatment strategies 19 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is prese nted in a professional and easy -to-read format Submission ha s no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent under standing of ideas 15 Earned Total 100%