Research project on any history subject relate to US

HIST 1 00: United States History to 1877 San Bernardino Valley College Spring 2017 Research Project Worth: 30 0 points Overview The research project will give you a chance to explore a topic in the course more in -depth. After you conduct research on your topic, you will put together a ten -minute presentation to deliver to the cla ss at the end of the semester , using a program such as PowerPoint or Google Slides. I will be offering a workshop during my office hours demonstrating how to use these pro grams for anyone wanting to learn the basics of these programs. I encourage you to select a topic within this period of American history that is either of interest to you or somehow relates to your major. This way, it will make the research process seem m ore relevant and engaging. You will have to locate a minimum of one primary and one secondary source for the project, which will have to be submitted on a Works Cited page on the day of your presentation. To ensure everyone stays on task with their pro ject, there are required deadlines – with associated points – that count towards the final score for the project. The breakdown is as follows: The topic for the project 15 points Works Cited page 25 points Mini report on your project 35 points Presen tation Up to 225 points TOTAL PROJECT 300 points Please do not hesitate in seeking me out for guidance at any point and time for assistance on this project or any other in this course. I am always willing to offer any assistance or guidance. Parts of the Project Topic Selection You will select a topic relevant to the course and submit it to me for approval and/or suggestions. A partial list of suggested topics is provided on the next page. The topic MUST PERTAIN TO UNITED STATES HISTORY. Fai lure to do will affect your grade negatively. Source Selection Once you have selected your topic, you must locate a minimum of two sources – one primary and one secondary source – relevant to your topic. You must submit your sources on a Works Cited page to me for any recommendations. A primary source is an original document from the era of the topic you are researching. Several examples include: - Diaries - Journals - Letters - Memorandums - Photographs - Newspaper clippings from the era - Magazines from the era A secondary source is a historical document which interprets the story of a historical actor or event. Examples include: - Biographies - Monographs (books on events or people) Mini Report on Project Towards the end of the course, you will be writing up a two pa ragraph (minimum four -sentence per paragraph) report on how far you’ve gotten with your project. You should be honest and candid in this report. If you have encountered “roadblocks” in your research – you can’t find information, or the information you fi nd constantly seems to contradict itself – say so. All these details are part of the learning experience. One the due date of the mini report, you will be divided into small groups in class to share your reports and discuss the various findings you have m ade. You will likely find you have many common experiences with your classmates. Research P roject The final part of the project involves you presenting your project to the class. I will present you with a basic rubric of what I will be looking for in your presentation. You will be expected to present a finalized list of resources you used on the day of your presentation. Alternative Project If you suffer from “presentation anxiety” – I understand completely as I used to fall into this category – I of fer you an alternative choice: you may write a research paper on your topic. It must be a minimum of five pages in length, include a cover page and include a works cited page. It should be double -spaced and in 12 -point Times New Roman font . It should inc lude citations in MLA format to indicate where you got all your information from. Resources For guidelines on MLA format, use this link: Topic Suggestions for Research Project - Roanoke Island - George Washington - Sally Hemmings - Thomas Jefferson - Jefferson -Hemmings Affair - Jamestown - Transcontinental Railroad - Trail of Tears - Pontiac ’s Rebellion - The Salem Witch Trials - Fredrick Douglass - The Abolition Movement - The Civil War - The Battle a t Gettysburg - Jefferson Davis - General Ulysses S. Grant - Stonewall Jackson - Manifest Destiny - California Gold Rush - The Oregon Trail - Kit Carson - Junipero Serra - The Louisiana Purchase - The Declaration of Independence - The Quakers - John Adams - Ralph Waldo Emmerson - Abraham Lincoln - The Emancipation Proclamation - Harriette Tubman - The Underground Railroad - Andrew Johnson - The Pueblo Revolt - Pueblo Bonita - Cahuilla - Serrano - Diegueno - The Great Awakening - The Second Great Awakening - San Manuel Band of Mission Indians - The Westward Expansion - The Donner Party - The Mormons - Joseph Smith - Brigham Young - Collis P. Huntington - Erie Canal - Charles Crocker - Theodore Judah - Leland Stanford - The Whig Party - The Lowell Factory - Mark Hopkins - Florida - New Mexico - California - Connecticut - Pennsylvania - William Penn - Nat Turner - The Stamp Act - Sam Houston - Benjamin Franklin - John Hancock - “Negro ” spirituals in the antebellum South - Nat Turner ’s Rebellion - Uncle Tom ’s Cabin - The Boston Tea Party - The Battle of Saratoga - Republican motherhood - The Whiskey Rebellion - The Texas Revolt OR ANY TOPIC YOU CAN FIND! Presentation Grading Rubric Name of Student: ____ ________________________________________________ Title of Presentation: ___________________________________ ____ __________ __________________________________________________________________ Format of Project : ____ Presentation ____ Research Paper RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATION Basic Information Basic Information Length: __________ Over □ Length: __________ Over □ ML A format: Yes □ No □ MLA format: Yes □ No □ Area of Competency Description Score/Points Possible Percentage of Grade Subject The topic does not deviate from the approved topic. /25 11 % Citations The project includes clearly evident citations. /40 18 % Grammar The project has been thoroughly ch ecked for proper word choice and major grammatical errors . /50 22 % Clarity The topic is presented clearly and coherently, with visuals used to enhance the presenter’s message. /50 22 % Preparation The presenter demonstrates thorough preparation on the topic, is easy to follow for the audience and follows a logical progression from a beginning to an end. /60 27 % Grade /225 100%