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Ronald McDonald House Analysis

Vibert Jacob

South University

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of the Coastal Empire is an NPO, which provides a relaxing, comfortable location for children and their relatives to find shelter and help as they get medical treatment at our close hospitals. For seriously sick or wounded children and their relatives, the RMHC of the Coastal Empire can be the most significant House they will ever stay (RMHC, 2017). RMHC concentrates on assisting children heal quicker, cope better, and remain healthy via its three major programs, the Ronald McDonald House, and the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, and the Ronald McDonald House Family Rooms. To understand how RMHC operates, this study will be conducting an organizational analysis of RMHC.


RMHC has many workers including leadership team, key staff, and volunteers. The leadership team is led by Jennifer L. Goodin who is the Executive Director. Volunteers at RMHC are sophomore, juniors and senior students from around the community who volunteer at the House, Family Rooms and teen-only service opportunities and events that benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire (RMHC, 2017).


According to RMHC (2017), the Savannah House is governed by a 21-member Board of Directors and managed by a full-time staff of four. Every department has a director and a manager and their assistant who are mandated to ensure smooth and successful operation of the organization. There are however, different committees that oversee performance of the board. Members of the committee are responsible for working like a resource for employees, the organization and each other– sharing their knowledge and serving to attain certain objectives and aims, which help the mission of the Ronald Macdonald House Charities. Every committee is made up of members of the board, House staff and volunteers, and decisions and procedures are guided by employees and the selected volunteer chair. The committees include: Community Outreach Committee, Facilities Committee, Fiscal Services Committee, Fund Development Committee, and Board Governance Committee (RMHC, 2017).

Routine operations

RMHC situated in Savannah, Georgia started its operations in July 1987 and goes on to offer hope, support and consolation to children together with their relatives via gifts from companies, organizations, people, foundations and the help of local operators and owners of MacDonald. RMHC in Savannah is committed to offering a home away from home for gravely sick or wounded kids and their relatives who are getting treatment at the hospitals in the local area (RMHC, 2017).

Regulatory and ethical issues the RMHC may face

While RMHC has been doing greatly in helping seriously injured children together with their families, there are no ethical issues that RMHC is facing now. For instance, in Savannah, many would argue that it discourages hospitals from offering significant services which patients pay for and leave the patients at the mercy of RMHC (RMHC, 2017) but as I found out by my liaison they work hand in hand with the hospitals because that act as a place to stay for the families of children in the hospitals within the coastal empire. Therefore, it could not be view as being unethical for RMHC to offer its services to these families. Given that people who work as volunteers at the RMHC are sophomore, juniors and senior students from around the community, there is concern of the quality of services offered by RMHC given that the volunteers lack necessary experience and skills but to date they have five (5) fulltime staff to compensate for this issue.

Roles and responsibilities of all key personnel

The role and responsibility of all key personnel including board of directors and volunteers is to develop, discover and help programs, which improve the health and comfort of children and their relatives directly (RMHC, 2017).

Quality issues

RMHC has highly qualified and skilled employee who provide full-time, high quality services to its clients (RMHC, 2017). However, the use of volunteers who are sophomore, juniors and senior students from around the community may raise concern over the quality of the services offered since they are deemed to be unskilled and inexperienced. However, the quality of services is always high since all volunteers are under close supervision of volunteer directors and his assistant.

Recommendations for organizational change

I would recommend that RMHC should improve on their communication and also target old injured people. This is because the aged have been facing different problems including seclusion, being abandoned by their family members, and lack of appropriate care. Hence, if they are brought at RMHC, they will feel loved and at home, hence speeding their recovery. Besides having resting places, dining places, RMHC should also introduce places like gymnasiums or playing field where their clients will exercise. This will help the family of the patients to relieve stress and improve their health.


RMHC, (2017). Ronald MacDonald house charities of the coastal empires. Retrieved on April 18, 2017 from