Strategic Leadership and Change Paper, Part III

Strategic Leadership and Change II Grading Guide

LDR/535 Version 2

Learning Team Assignment: Strategic Leadership and Change Paper, Part II

Purpose of Assignment

This is Part II of the three-part team assignment designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop a critical analysis of a large-scale change within a contemporary organization. Part II is a complete draft of the paper. Students will describe the organization chosen, the change undertaken, and the critical leadership issues surrounding the change. This paper is designed to be a critical analysis and not a history lesson. Students must substantiate all points with references to past large-scale change and/or research and explain why the points are relevant.

Resources Required

Week 2, Strategic Leadership and Change Paper, Part I

Grading Guide


70 Percent


Partially Met

Not Met


The paper is a draft version of the final paper.


The paper includes an introduction that includes a description of the industry and the selected organization.

The paper provided a clear summary of the organization in the respective industry. The paper did not clearly include a description of the industry. Review comments in the paper.

The paper includes a description of the executive leadership structure.

The paper provided a clear summary of the executive leadership structure. The paper explained both divisional leadership structures for Comcast. Make sure to the leadership structure. Review comments in the paper.

The paper includes an analysis of the effectiveness of the current leadership team in providing strategic leadership.

The paper provided a brief analysis of the effectiveness of the current leadership team utilizing strategic leadership.

The paper includes a critique of the organization’s mission and vision statements.

The paper included a thorough analysis of Comcast’s mission and vision statement.

The paper includes a discussion of whether or not the organization’s long-term vision is adaptive and supports change, or is rigid and resists change.

The paper provided a clear and concise of how the long-term vision is adaptive in supporting change.

The paper includes a description of the change the organization underwent.

The paper clearly explained the change.

The paper includes a description of the role leadership played during the change.

The paper provided a clear overview of the role leadership played during the change.

The paper includes an evaluation of the change that was undergone and whether or not it was successful.

The paper analyzed the organizational structure change with discussing the continued success.

The paper includes a description of how the organization dealt with resistance to the change.

The paper provided an overview of how the company dealt with resistance.

The paper includes a discussion of the role of mindful leadership in mitigating the resistance to change.

The paper analyzed the role leadership played in reducing resistance to change through mindful leadership.

The paper includes a discussion of the role of intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial competencies as applied to organizational leadership during times of change.

The paper clearly explained how Comcast’s leadership utilizes intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial competencies.

The paper is between 1,750- to 2,450-words in length.

Total Available

Total Earned



Writing Guidelines

30 Percent


Partially Met

Not Met


The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Major APA errors in heading and paragraph formatting. Review changes and comments throughout the paper. Missing at least 2 peer reviewed sources. 2 Peer reviewed sources are scholarly journals you can search for through the UOP Library.

Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.

The paper met the requirements.

Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.


Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.

Grammar errors. Review comments and changes in the paper.

Total Available

Total Earned




Assignment Total



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