Essay One page and half about Why Learning Excel Could Be Important to Me !

BMIS 211 Why Learning Excel Could Be Important to Me Undergraduate students at Montana State University and the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship (JJCBE) often come to class with little or no significant work experience. This can create a lack of context , making it difficult for students to understand the importance of some course material. The course material fo r BMIS 211 often falls into this category where students sometimes fail to appreciate the impact that the course materia l will have on their lives; this includes both success in school as well as success in the workplace. Assignment: Interview at least three people you trust or admire. Ask them the following questions: 1. How important to you is it to have an in -depth un derstanding of Microsoft Excel? 2. What are the most important Excel analytical tools you have use d? 3. How often do you use Excel on a weekly basis? 4. How successful in school or at work could you be without an understanding of Excel? Your list of interviewee’s should include:  At least one JJCBE senior or Maste rs of Accounting student  Your parents (if applicable)  Your current boss or a former boss  Someone who has a job that is similar to your dream job. o If you can’t identify a person with your dream job then you may use your academic advisor as a substitute Once your interviews have been collected, summarize your findings and add your own personal reflections. Be sure to use proper APA in -text citations and end -of - document references for your interviews. Place your completed 1 ½ - 2 page ( single -spaced) paper in the proper D2L drop box.