Philosophy homework (read the instructions first before you message me)



Veigh, R., & Diaz, M. (2009). Voting to Ban Same-Sex Marriage: Interests, Values, and Communities. American Sociological Review, 74(6), 891-915. Retrieved from        (From SFSU library database--JSTOR)

This journal article is taken from American Sociological Review, the American Sociological Association's flagship journal. It mentions that there were initiatives hoping to ban same-sex marriage on the ballot in 28 states, and anti-same-sex marriage almost always won out, but it depends greatly on the geographic locations of the voters. This article examines what are the factors that cause people to oppose same-sex marriage with deep analysis and data. In which regions that people live in oppose same-sex marriage the most. The editors, based on their research and analysis, believe that counties characterized by traditional structures and gender roles show strong opposition. Because of the tradition social and moral values emphasizes the importance of one man, one woman marriage, a lot of people who carry that belief strongly oppose same-sex marriage.

Jeffress, R. (2015, June 26). Gay marriage: Why Supreme Court got it wrong. Retrieved May 12, 2017, from court-got-it-wrong.html

This is an article from Fox News, written by Pastor Robert Jeffress, who is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas and also is a Fox News Contributor. Jeffress claims that Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage is disappointing and tragic, for it says states must allow same-sex marriage. He asserts that there will be conflicts and the Court can expect tons of litigation against whoever refuses to honor same-sex marriages because courts is making same-sex marriage a civil right. Religious institutions will have to face challenges for they always oppose same-sex marriage according to their beliefs. He argues that marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman not only because same-sex marriage will bring a great amount of legal problems, but also because it defies what God says about marriage.

O'Hara, M. E. (2017, February 14). Valentine's Day Petition Asks Congress to Ban Same-Sex Marriage. Retrieved May 12, 2017, from out/valentine-s-day-petition-asks-congress-ban-same-sex-marriage-n720661 This is a news report from NBC News about Jason Rapert, a Republican Senator, proposing a petition, hoping that the U.S. Constitution can define marriage as between one man and one woman. He declares that his action is protecting human life from conception. He thinks that it has to be more clear on the Constitution about heterosexual marriage.


Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. (2006). Religious Leaders Should Support Same-Sex Marriage. In M. E. Williams (Ed.), Opposing Viewpoints. Religion in America. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from   An Open Letter to Religious Leaders on Marriage Equality, 2004)      

(From SF public library database)

This is an excerpt from an open latter about viewpoint of the Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. In the letter, the writer states that religious leaders are “committed to promoting moral and spiritual integrity of persons and society.” He asks the leaders to consider securing the freedom to marry. With that said, he believes that same-sex marriage should be approved. Also, everyone has the right to lead lives that express love as the writer points out. Strong family is based on marriage equality marriage creates committed relationships. Marriage is about love, and spending one’s life with someone who can share joy and sorrow.

Wyatt-Nichol, H., & Naylor, L. A. (2015). Liberty and Equality: In Defense of Same-Sex    Marriage. Public Integrity, 17(2), 117-130. doi:10.1080/10999922.2015.1000108

(From SFSU library database--EBSCO)

This article is written to support same-sex marriage. The writer claims that same-sex marriage is gaining more attention in society nowadays. People have to be more serious about it. There are laws that prohibit same-sex marriage but are they really moralistic? This article examines same-sex marriage in 3 areas: equality, individual liberty, and morality. As people are reading this article, they will discover what are the true reasons of prohibiting same-sex marriage. The writer disagrees that same-sex marriage is immoral and he thinks that everyone has his/her own right to marry who he/she loves.

Campion, E. W., Morrissey, S., & Drazen, J. M. (2015, May 7). In Support of Same-Sex Marriage. New England Journal of Medicine. pp. 1852-1853. doi:10.1056/NEJMe1505179.

(From SFSU library database--EBSCO)

This article is written by a doctor who supports same-sex marriage. He asserts that there are health care providers who look at homosexual as an illness, and so provides health care plan to treat those people. Homosexual people often have emotional disorders because of the pressure from families and society, or even from just hiding the fact that they are homosexual. As a doctor, the writer suggests that same-sex marriage should be accepted to promote health and justice.