Personal statement For MIT

Personal Statement: Entisar alshammry

The key motivating factor of an entrepreneur is the ability to bring visions to reality. For as long as I can remember, I have always desired to become an entrepreneur. However, I have been inclined to becoming a modern entrepreneur, someone who uses engineering to better other people’s lives. Accordingly, I decided to study engineering to understand how machines work and how they influence society. During my undergraduate years, I strove to realize a well-defined career goal, as well as to develop my capacity in terms of scientific curiosity, technology, and proficiency in relevant academic disciplines to enable me to achieve that goal. I am now on course to complementing it with my entrepreneurial zeal. My research for a Master’s Program has convinced me that I can achieve my academic goal at University Name. Hence I am applying for admission to the Masters in Engineering Management at University Name.

I am particularly interested in your university because of its focus on graduates’ managerial growth. I am aware that University Name strives to make graduates have the ability to understand and articulate different industries’ complex challenges, and mold the accomplishment goals with well-defined explanations of decision processes. For many years, University Name has been enabling graduates to support and lead team-based business decision processes, and I want to become such a graduate. I cannot imagine a better place to achieve my goals than at the University Name.

I worked in family company which their business started as a small factory producing bricks and concrete products meant for construction. In the last few years, the business has been growing rapidly leading the to the inescapable demand for advanced engineering and management skills to meet customer needs and to become competitive in the market. One of the missions of Saudi Bin Company, which is family business, is to ultimately make construction cheaper without compromising the quality of the products it produces. To achieve that, the company needs an integration of cutting-edge engineering expertise and business management skills. By accomplishing our mission, the business will also be sustainable and every stakeholder will benefit. To meet these personal and social needs, I need to advance my studies. An M.S. in Engineering Management will provide me with the tools to not just manage my family business, but also bolster my desire to work for Aramco. Aramco is one of the biggest oil and gas companies in my country, Saudi Arabia, which has a growing economy with many openings for young educated engineers. Moreover, the new movement of the government to be not dependent in Oil only and be only manage all the government services without being involve directly to it. Also, the government start to invest a lot of money in different fields which makes them needs people whom well educated and knowledgeable in Engineering management to lead this movement which called 2030 Vision. Therefore, a Masters’ in Engineering Management, coupled with a Bachelors’ in Software Engineering, would put me in a better position to have the opportunity to play a role in bettering the Saudi community.

At University of Al Baha, I was heavily involved in student activities and leadership with goals to improve student welfare and promote the university. In addition to founding the Engineering Club, I led students in a successful campaign to increase the number of classes shortly after the founding of the university. I was then selected by the students and faculty to be the head of public relations of the student council in 2007, and vice-president in 2009. I also represented students at the Al-Gad Conference for Youth in Riyadh, in addition to co-founding a committee to develop the student council systems and activities. While I am not proud that these involvements affected my GPA positive which is 3.50 out of 4.00 , I am glad that I worked on the development of basic systems to make the council of students and activities work separately and be financially independent, without the university administration’s support. These efforts enabled the council to achieve the ambitions and aspirations of the students. Determined to bring more positive change, I ran for the council’s presidential post in 2010, but unfortunately, I could not complete the elections because of my father’s and my family give me hard time because they don’t believe that I have a right as a female student to be independent and leader. I face a lot of challenges from my family and people who care about the culture more than education or humanity development, no one support me when I dissed to study Engineering because they think this field only for men and Women can’t be successful in this field. I didn’t listened to them because I believed I can do it and all Female students can. I accept their challenge because I knew I am willing to make my goals true because I believe in my self. Since I stared my study I worked hard to prove to my family and people who thought I wouldn’t be succeed they are wrong and I got 3.50 out of 4.00. Than I worked in different companies to gain experience which lead me to dissayed to contend my education in the United Sates of America for Master degree, but I face the same problem with my family. Because of that they force me to maired to someone I don’t now him or love I agree to study because I want ro be some thing important in the community. I got marid to someone I thought he would be care and supportive , but unfortuntly he dosen’t he gived me hard time and tried to frustreated me to quit my study and plan. It was a challenging but I standup for my goals. Because of all pressures and bad marriage entered the stage of psychological and health difficult to come caused problems and took my time because I visit hospitals a lot of times but I didn't give up and worked hard to get the education I need that will help me to achieve my dreams. One day I was forced to return to my home country and my ex-husband taken advantage of the length of the journey and seemed nervous to get the chance to escape from responsibility which lead to start family problems and got divorced than the problems with my family and especially my father stared again because he will not allow me to return to America to complete my studies and with confidence I will never surrender to fulfill my dreams ever, no matter how longs it will take me. I got back to the united states in the biging of 2017.

deteriorating my health. I had to take care of my health while studying, which was a challenging ordeal. Even though I endured unbearable stress and found it difficult to balance filial responsibilities with my educational duties, I learned a lot from my life expertise . It became a beacon of hope, and I draw a lot of inspiration from my life even today.

Although these work experiences, family issues, psychological condition and university leadership activities my GPA high , they have also taught me many valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance and business intelligence. I also learned to balance and not to give up under any circumstance. In fact, my work and life experience is a better reflection of my potential to succeed in an academic setting, especially while working on analytical and control projects. By being active outside the classroom and engaging with the community, I prove that I can be a qualified Engineering Management student at University Name . However, this time around, I will focus on my education more to benefit from your enriching MS program.

Kindly give me a chance to join the Master’s program in Engineering Management at your institution. I am strongly convinced that the program will be a major step to span the gap between what I am and what I want to become in society.