logic puzzels

A tctal of five peopie will be sert ot the next *peditigtt B F" Irrternational Space Statioa, the mcsi ever to be seut at one t113e. Each perssc has been assigred a differet:t role f,cr tlre expeditioo_and is set tc lead a differeat missioq while thire" Each sissis* leader hae asked a differesrt one cf the oiher fsirr to act as an assi$taat &lr'rxg bis or her missioa. Using the follovriag infsrmafiou, ean yau iden*ify qaqh nersoul ,uf*, ,* *"U as fipi ttre missiot he or she is set to iead and the missioa he or she is schedirled to assist? 1. Arielle isn't the eomrrander; *either Maiik aqr Sasha is eit]er the aetronaut or the first flight engi- neer. ?" Neither the esnnmander {whs i."n't going ta lead t&e rrrission to obsenre Ea$h} aor the science sfficer is sehe&aled to lead lhe aission to repleaish supplies on the Space Station. B- Arielle, who isn't sei to be the assistant for the supply-repleaishing missicn, waaot be th* leader fer the mission to hold a sa$ty briefing. 4. The leader of the miesisn to perform statioa laaia'tesance {wh* isdt going to assist on the supply-re- pleaishing'missioa) is either Neil or Ecn. 5. Neil is goiag to assist cn either the suppl3'-repleaishiag nission or flre statisn-maiateaaaee missisn, a;1d Sasha ls scheduled to lead either the supply-repleaishing missioa or the Earth-observatio:: mi.ssion. S. Bon isnt g*ipg to assi*t on eithsr the missiaa is conduet a cpace walk sr the sae to rbserve Earth" and Sashi isnti set ts assist su either th* missimr to replerd* supplies ar the *ae to perforc s&atisq raaiatenaace. ?. I11 an dphabeticai list of names, the naxre of t}e leader of t"he space-walk mission isa't coasecutive ,e'ith the name of the leader of the safety-briefiag "rission' 8. Ia aa alphabetieai list of narneq tJre nane pf,the assists.Bt for the supply-replenishiag mission isa't coas.eotive witb tlee n::me of the assistant for tlre station-maipteaaace qissioa. 9. The first flight eagiaeer isa't sei to assist sn the 3aissioa being led hy Malik. 10. The secogd fliglrt engineer is.r''t scheduled to iead the mission being assisted by the ffiEeander, and the first fligh{eagineer isn't gaixg to lead t.he mission being assisted by the sf,ience officer, Slstian is cn Page 11O" Person Role Lead Assist C i @t,.G E G'iIJ I t()l_ i tct= I lrslE I i Ci{n oll I o l'= -=l iclo {)t=l 601 a EI=IEIE-t-tEl> 8lol66t=l o o-li9{='bt(htu) I I I =l - -l I I r-{.= ;l i tstc Els,l iElE >t:t i-t(D (Did]l=ldio.

#lElql:ltol>'l olE -l#Irtlv6l6lol g uJlalg)1a RoblllLi : lrl) I I 10 i Ll I r iot t= lo, io ICI I E i'=i !l (D I iatol- I lcloi= lo:-l6lElt =iPlElol= ElEi=lgiE9lElai-El8irl Ol.=l (Jl o < l(Jiu- i{/ll(,] Ea*h obse:vatisn Station maintenance Earth obsenation Station rnainte*ance