logic puzzels

Five cclleagues {three metr named Joel, Efareus. and Timothy" and tws \*rcmerr named lGyla e,ld Eegiaa) go o1t for lunch together every Friday. ?his past week, they decided to try a new eatery calle* The Boup BourX that opened up not far from their affiee. The Soup Bowl offers holnemade *oups aad rolls every dag so each tr)erson chose a differeat kiad of soup {blaek trean, brocccli eheese, Freach srdon, rcinestrone, or potato) and a different flavor of rotrl {cornmeal, pu*peraiekel, rye, sourdough, or whole wheat} for luach. Can you deternine the order in which each colleague {identified try fulI naile*or}e srrra.aure is Gal- iagher) stood in liae, as ryell as the ty.pe of srup and rsll he s-r she chose?

1. The five coworkers are the persffr rpho choee minestrcae soup, Mr. Weber {who *idn't order the black, bean soup), the persoa who ehose the rye ro1l, the anlleague rarho was secoad in trine, and Timothy"

2. The two wcmeq are Ms. Aliota and tire olre who chsse the Frrench oaion soup.

3. Ifuyla ordered at some point aft,er Marcus, who ordercd at some poirt a&er the one wbc chose a sour- dough roll-

4" Ttre third person chcse the ram.meal rol1, but nnt the uirreskone eoup-

5. The cclleague whs csas*med the whal+.wheat rall erdered at scme poiot a*er the person rrhs ate the minsstleas soup, who stasd two places hehiad the one ssrnamed Chipriane iwho isa't JseI)-

6. The oue suxlarled Boemer ordered at ssme point tr*fare the perscr whr ate the blaek-bean soup.

7- tlu first persoa didat select the broceoli-cheese soup-