logic puzzels

Afber tossing their caps at their high school graduation ceremorly, six elsse friends were elated ta learr

that they h;d at1 bee:r assigned rooms in the same &eshman dorrrritory at the state co{ege. Each Sisrd

{ihree men named Adam, Norm, and Ray, and t}rree womerl caaed Barbara, Julie, and tin.da) will live

orl a different sae of the dgml's six floars. Each &iead was accepted into a differeat ene of t,Le mllege's

6gin departeerrts of study. As ihe friends start packisg their belaagiags for the big move ta college 1ife,

e*a. yau match eacb persor {ideotified by fr:lt nase) with the floor on which he or she will reside aad the

deparfment into which ea€h rlr'as accepted?

1. The Ersrren will reside os the odd-sumbered floors'

2. Tbe six &ieads are Adaro, the persoa wh* wiil iive cn the first floor, the one surnamed. Ambrosq the

peresn accepied iafu the coreputer seienee department, i,i*da, aad t&e sae suraamed Masters.

3" The per$orl aseigned a rosilr on the far:rth floor was accepted intu neiiher the engi*eering aor the

mathematics department.

4. The ons sumamed Smith didl't apply for aceeptan*e inta the English deparEmeat"

5. Barbara's room will be cn a higher floor iha* that of the womau who was aecepted inta the Englieh

departmer:t. but rn a lslrer flsor ihan that of ihe student surnamed Baaes {whs isn't Nqre).

6. The per$oa snraamed Masters vrasn't accepted iato the chemistry deparluent-

?. J*lie wcn't be earolled in the engineering pr6gram.

8" Mr. Howeli was accepted into the busiaese pragram,

9- Adam will live on a lower floar than tl:e persoa suraamed Gates"