For this Assignment, you will create a small group, teacher-directed or child-directed lesson of your choice. Use the template in DocSharing to synthesize all preparation, implementation, and evaluation aspects of the lesson. Consider which developmental

[Type the document title]

[type your name]

[type the course name]

Kaplan University

[type the professor’s name]

Lesson Plan
Grade Level: Subject:
Prepared By:
Activity Name:
____teacher-directed ____child-directed (select one)
Learning Domains and Education Standards targeted:

If your state has early learning standards, please identify and list the standards that this lesson addresses

Ethical Issues Addressed:

Please refer to NAEYC’s Code of Ethics and state which ethical standards are addressed.


(Specify skills/information that will be learned.)

Other Resources:

(e.g. Web, books, etc.)

Preparation & Materials Needed:

Procedure/s: (List of steps in lesson delivery) Include as applicable and in order of delivery:

Examine & Talk, Demonstrate, Model, Plan, Guide, Record, Describe, Explore, Acquire, Practice, etc

Evaluation: How will learning be assessed?


Remediation for Children with Special Needs:

Remedial Activities

Adaptations or Individualization

  1. Paragraph description of adaptation or individualization:

  1. Paragraph description of how assistive technology will be used:

  1. Describe how this adaptation is developmentally appropriate.

Materials/Resources Needed for Remediation for children with special Needs:

Materials/Resources Needed for ESL children:

Remediation for ESL children (English as Second Language):

Remedial Activities

Adaptations or Individualization

  1. Paragraph description of adaptation or individualization:

  1. Paragraph description of how and when assistive technology will be used:

  1. Describe how this adaptation is developmentally appropriate:

Higher Level Learning Extension:

Enrichment Activities

  1. Paragraph description of enrichment (higher level learning):

  1. Paragraph description of how and when technology can be used to enrich learning:

  1. Describe how this enrichment activity is developmentally appropriate:

Materials/Resources Needed for higher level learning extension:
