NO Plaguarism

ffi to, Review

, \,'hat is the basic structure ol rhe U S. governnrenr?

.. What conslrluttonal clause gives the lederal go\.ernment the por,ver to regulate commercial activities among the various staLes?

r'. \Vhat conslittlttonal clause allor'vs larvs enacted b1 the federal gor,ernment to take priority over conflrcting staLe lar,vs? ' Whzit is the Blll ol Rigl-rts? What freecloms cloes the Firsr Amendmenr guzrranlee?

: Where in the Constitution can the due process clause be founcl?

@ Or.rtions and Gase'Problems

Freedom of Speech. A mal,oral elecrion is about to be ielc1 ru-r a large U.S. ciLy. One o[ rhe canclid:rtes is Luis Delgado, and his campaign supporters n'ish ro post campaign signs on i;rmpposrs ancl utihtv poles throughout the cirli A city ordrnilncr', ho\veve r, prohibiLs tl're posting ol rtny' srgns orr public property Delgados slrpporrels conrencl that the cin orciinance is unconstitutional because it \-lolates therr righr, ru lree 'peee h ).}artIUJsJ.]Bf r : ,ourL .onsiJeI rn d. tet trinirg t hc q1.n'tit ut inralrr i ol this, IrJ inin.e?


4 4 j

---. QuestioT with Sample Afiswei. Free-Exercise

,fl, Chrta. Th,rnrrs uorkecl ir-r thc nonnrilrrar)' opera- tions of a large firrn rl-rat producecl both n-ulitarl and nonmilitari- goods. When the companl- discontinuecl the production of nonmrlitarv goods. Thomas transferred to the plant producing rnrlitary, ecpupment. Thomas leli hjs

.job. clainrrng thaL it vjolatccl hts religit-rus principles to par- trclpirLe in the nranulhcture oI goods to be usecl tn destroy- ing liie In eIIbcr, he argued. the transler ro the military

the locatior-is ol comrnercral establishn'rents that ieatured acluLt entertarnment. The ordinance expressly. applied to lemale, but not male, topless entertarnment. Adele Buzzettr osred rhe Cozl' Cabin, a Ner,v York C_itl cabaret that Iea, tnrccl lernale toplcss ciancrrs. Buzzetti anal an arr,.rnvnrolrs dancer [iled a suit in a leclera] clistricL cor,rrt ag:rinst the cit;l askrng the court to block the enfoLcement of the ordinance. The plainLiffs argued, in part, that the ordinance r.iolated the eclual protection clause. L1ndel Lhc ctlne1 prorcc_trtln ltruse. rr h.rr -r r, r., l.t* I,1'1,1,, r,,'1ii-,ft. fiffi ,, r, T-, h i = ,ffi,,fi : L ilfril;:,;i; I[lui.r ,n. ..,u]r,,lr.r ri r.,i,

laHnonam -firih sample nffin EA'd;ir ti

iEIl; Speech. For decades, Nerv York Citi- has hacl ro deal u,'ith the vandalism and defacement ol pr_rblic propert). causecl b,v unauthorized gralfiti. Antong orher xttelrilts ro stop thc clirmagc, in Decctrbcr 200- thc cit;, bannecl tht- sale ol' aerosol spral-paint cans irncl broacl- tipped indelible markers to persons under ru'enrr--one

lears of age and prohibited them frorn possessing such items on llropen)'orher rhan rheir ou,n. 81, lv{a1 1. 2006, five pe ople-all uncle r eec t\'e nt)'-()ne-hacl bee n r.irecl Ior violrrLror.ts oI t]'rcsc regulations, rl,hile tl71 inclivicluels had been arresred lor actually making grafhti. ArLrsts u.l'ro r.vrshed tLr create graffiti on legai surfaces. such as can\-as. rvoocl, and cloLhing, includecl college srrLclent Linclsel' Vincentl: n'ho rvas stuclving vrsurl arts. Llnable to br-ry her snpplies in thc citr,or tr) cilrrv thcnr it-r thc citr il sl'rc bought the m elser he re , Vincentv :rnci others filecl I suit Ln a federal district courr on behalf of t]' and other voung artists agarnst \4rchael Bloomberg. rhe cr Lr s rnar or., and othcrs. The plaintills clairnecl rhar. amonq orher. things. the nerr rulcs virrlrtccl thcir righL tir l'rc..lonr oI speech Tl-rer askccl the coulL to enjoin Lhe rr.rles en[orce menL. Should the court grant this reqlrestl \'hl or t.hi not? f \/in.c/1r_1' t Bloontbtrg, 476 F.3d 7+ (2d Cir. 2007)l

-To r.ierv a sample answer for Case problem 4-5, go to Appendix F at the end ol this text. ,i- rr Due Process. ln 20t)6, the Russ Collcgc ol Enurnccrrng encl Techntrlogl' oI Ohro University announcecl that an utr.cstr- gation ha.1 found "rampant and flagrant plagiansm in the



recluiring the use of c,:ntourecl re:rr-[encler. mnclguarcls on trucks ancl trailers operating rvlLhin its state hnes. The stat- ute further makes it illegal lbr trucks and rrarlers ro use strarght mudguards. In tl-rirtv-five othe r states, straight nruclgurtrcls arc legril. N,ltrr-erxcr. rn the ncighboring state ol Florid;r, srraight rrir:clgr_rar.cls arc explicitlv recluirecl b1, Lari. There is some evrdence suggesrlng that contoured mudguards might be a liule saltr than straight mudguards. Drscuss n'herher this Ceorgra statute *'ould violate rhe c()] a clause of thc lJ.S. Constitlttir)n. : .. Equal Protection. Wirh thc objcctivcs o[ prcvcnring rrrnrc, maintarning prLrpert) r.alues. ancl the qualitl. ol urban life. Neu, York Crt1, enactecl an ordinance to regulate

equiprnent plant lort<\frim to cluit his.1ob. He u-as denrecl uncr]+

nttnr lrmpensJtien ltv the state because he hacl n(,1 h.cnlQrtivu11 'tLsrhargedlfihe cntPltler but hrrcl

p\ment. Did

_For a

E at the end of this

CIause. Suppo ss-r(N Gei\ia enacts a law