NO Plaguarism

UttllT Ot{E lthe roundations Questions and Case Problems \/' tiability to Business Invitees. Kinr u,tnI Lo Ling'-s lr,lrrrkcr to prck r-rp zr leu,iter.ns lirr cljnne r. It r.r,as ir stornrv cla): and the ri inci hacl lllo\'n \,ater thror,rgh the ruarke ts cloor erch time it openecl. As Krrn entered ritrough tl're cloor, she siipped ancl fell in the rarnu,ater thar had accumulated on the floor. The manager kneu, o[ the rieather conditions br-rt hacl not posteci an1. sign to warn cLlstome rs of the water hazard. Krm injr-rred her back as a result ol the lall and sued Lings for Janaget. Lirrg. \i hcld lirble ior :. Dl>.Ll>>. -Qur-ftl ence. Lothat or,rn' a hakcr'). Hc hrs lrcen ir'\lns rr, - obtain a long-term contract ri,ith the olr-ner ol \,{ar- tha-s Tea Salons ior some time . Lothar srarts an inrcrrsivc acirertising campargn on ritclio and televrsion ancl in the Ir'rcal ncri,sprrpcr. fhc aclvertising ts so ptrsuasivc thlrt Nlar- tha clcciclcs to break hcr contract with Har-lcyls Brrlicn' so thrt shc crln l)irtronize Lothars ltalrr.rss lr .1,r1f i /. / i,'sr'ir,' , ,',,-.-1]Tili-iillliJ, Cir 2009)l Negligence and Multiparty Liability. Alice Banks u,as iniurecl uhen a chair sl're sirting on at an Elks Club collapsed. As a resr-rlt ol Bankss in.jur1,, Dr. Robert [3oycc pcr{ormcd slrrger)'on her back, lr-rsrng certain vertel)rilc. Bovce lusecl the rvrong vertebrae, horvever, ancl hacl to per[brm a seconcl sLlrger)'to correct the errot-. Then. duting rehabilitation at a nursing home, Banks deve krpecl a serious rnlection that reclurrecl additional surgenes and extensive care and treat- ment. She sued rhe Elks Club and Boyce lbr negligence The Elks Club and Bo1-ce filed morlons againsr each orher and irlso suecl the nursing home. After comphcaied hold- ings b1' lor,r'er courts, the ltnnessee high court rer-ierved the matter. Did the Elks Clr-rb have primary liabilitr, lbr all injuries sullerecl by Banks .rlter rhe initral acciclenr. or did each clelenclant separately contribute to Bankss ir-rjr-rriesl Explain vollr 2lns\ier. lBrrnh.s I [lh-s Club Pntlc o.[ TcnncsscL, Itll S.\llcl 214 (Te nn 2010)l *'1q Case Problem with Sample Answer. Libel and lnva- ,LIt sion of Privacy. The Nrrilhrr,est Iltrultl. tt nc\,sl)aper in Illir-rois, recen'ecl e-mai1 repot'ts rcgr-rlar11, {ron-r area police departments ;rbout criminal anests. Tl're paper publlsheci that inforrnation, u,hich rs proper becausc iI rs public record. One ciay-, the nes-spaper- received an e-nrail that statecl that Carolene Euiranks had been charged with theft and obstruction ol justice Tl-re paper lncluded rhis inlormation in an issue that r.vas ro be published four dals laLer. Ser-eral hours 1ater. the police rssued another e-rnail, rvhich erplainecl that Eubanks had not been charged u,ith an hing. Insteacl, the person chargecl r,vas Barbara Braci- shalr,. Drie to a long s'eekencl, the seconcl e-mail r,r,as r-rol noticecl untrl alte r the paper hircl been pubiishecl. The lol- lorving clrr. []r'e clavs alicr thc c tnails hacl bccn receivcd, ir corrcction s rs ltublishccl. Eubanks iued ihc papcr lirr iiircl ancl lirr in\'rrsi(ilr o{ 1trtracyr Do;or.r Lhinli ELrltanlis has rt goocl case lor ciLhcr tortl Whv or wh), nori IEuhctnhs r: Norlhr'r.'csr H,'ralcl Nt'rlspupcrs, j97 II1 App jd 746. 9)) N E 2c1 1196 (2010)l -To view a sarnple answer for Case Problem 5-6, go to Appendix F at the end of this text. Proximate Cause. Sirteen 1,ear-olcl Galen Stoller r,r,as kiLlecl at a railroad crossing u'hen an ANITRAK passenger traul hit the r-ehicle he r.i-as driving on a count),roacl in Rolr,e. Neiv N1erico. His parents. l\,laida Henderson and Ken Stoller. Iiled a lau,suit against Br-rrlrngron Norrhern & Santa Fe Railro:rcl Colporation (BNSF), among orhers The par ents accLrsr.l the railroacl ol nt-gheer-rcc in the clesign and t.nainten:tree t'rl thc crossrng Specrlicall;t rhev clrrirnccl tlraL thr rrriLloacl hecl lillccl ro (l) clcar cxcessivr vcgerrr tion l'ront thc crossir.rg lrca ancl (2) insLall rtctivc u,arnrng clcviccs lsuch as Ilrshing lights, hcl1s. r)r giiles ro ri:.irn oJ' approaching trarns). TItc crossrng nas nrarkecL ri-rth a stolr srgn ancl a railroacl-clossing sy'mbol. Subnrtted photos rer-ealed that the sign uas unobstrucLecl. Although it passe nger irL thirr r"chicle to bc u'rlurecl J;)h4nR9!_BIr"e.1E A';^L:-!:-1lls$il \-lrr "t * rtr rr"!'. bEfenses to Negligence. \iir.rrl,r-i r r l,'r,,r - \,,r r I r rrL.r'it u, 5-6.
