PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (Online)

Real Psych!

Psychology in the Real World Assignment

Due by 11:59pm on Sunday of Week 3, Week 5, and Week 7

(50 points each, 150 points total)

For this assignment, you will need to collect various articles and advertisements from the popular media that are relevant to psychology. Each article/advertisement/image that you select should represent a single concept/phenomenon from each of the textbook’s chapters. You will write a brief one paragraph summary that connects a particular concept/phenomenon from each chapter to the corresponding article/advertisement that you found to represent it. The summary paragraph should thoroughly describe and define the concept represented by the media item you select. Using course material, carefully explain how the item you found relates to a concept/phenomenon from each chapter.

The Real Psych! Assignments requires that you identify a phenomenon that represents items or concepts from each chapter. To make this activity more personally meaningfully for you, one of the articles/advertisements/images you select for each assignment submission should be related your current major or future career. To make this activity more immediately relevant to current events, two of the articles/advertisements/images for each submission should be related to current news stories (within three weeks of the assignment’s due date).

Real Psych! Assignment 1 Chapters 1, 2, 9, 16 due Week 3


  • Chapter 1- Philosophy

  • Chapter 2- Critical Thinking

  • Chapter 9- Retrieval of short-term memory

  • Chapter 16- Coping with Stress


Please clearly label each summary with the chapter and concept that are represented, as well as the full web address where you found the article/advertisement online. APA formatting and citation is critical in psychology courses; as such, it will be required for this writing assignment. This paper must be double-spaced and use 12pt Times New Roman font. It must also include a title page that is formatted in APA style and includes a proper running head with page numbers. Please include the web address where you located the media article/advertisement with your paragraph. Be sure to cite the textbook information in the body of each paragraph, and include a reference page with the textbook cited in APA style. Tips for APA style can be found on our course Blackboard site.

For example, let’s say I found this image online:RE: Psych101 Paper (DUE SUNDAY @ 7PM) PLEASE READ DETAILS! 1

I might decide that this picture represents aspects of learning that are described in chapter four. More specifically, this picture (to me), represents the concept of punishment. I would label the phenomenon (punishment) clearly in a heading at the start of my paragraph. I would also provide a link to the image so that my reader could see where I found the image online. My paragraph for this phenomenon might look like this:

Summary #1: Chapter Four – Punishment (insert web address here)

Here is my paragraph about punishment. I am going to define punishment; for this example, I am probably going to define positive and negative punishment more specifically. Then, I’m going to describe how this picture that I found depicts the concept of punishment. Then, I might talk about how positive and negative punishments are interpreted differently, and how either type is likely to lead to learning. All of this information is on page 303 and 304 of the textbook, which I would cite in APA style.

Each Real Psych! Assignment will be graded according to the rubric in Blackboard. Please refer to this rubric when preparing your paper to ensure you have included all of the components. You can also use the checklist below as a quick guide.

  • My paper includes a concept from each chapter.

    • Each article/advertisement/image is summarized

    • I have included a definition of each chapter concept

    • I have connected the concept to the article/advertisement/image.

  • At least one of the articles relates to my current major or future career (and I have clearly stated that connection in the paper).

  • At least two of the articles are current events (within 3 weeks of the assignment’s due date).

  • The paper is in APA format (including title page, header, citations, and reference page).

  • I have checked my paper for grammatical errors.