
Imagery Script

To begin, close your eyes and place yourself in a comfortable position. Loosen your muscles, slow your breathing and concentrate on letting your body and mind relax. You feel calm. You are getting yourself ready.

Image yourself at the end of the vault runway. Notice the measurement with which you always start. You feel energized. Envision a positive feeling all around you. One that is confident, solid and powerful.

You have trained your Yurchenko full vault a lot. But visualizing the vault in pieces has always help you prep right before you start. You step into the soft blue runway.

It feels fuzzy beneath your feet and toes. You lean down and chalk your hand and rub the bottom of your feet. You have got good tread. Your feet do not feel slippery. Take a deep breath, a controlled breath. You feel light. Run the image of your vault through your mind before you go.

Now, look down the runway. The vault is set, the mats are lined up and your steps feel good. Now, when you feel ready, start your initial steps into your vault. Focus on the vault and sprint towards it. Your arms and legs are pulsing faster and faster while your mind stays relaxed. You exude a sort of calm confidence as you rapidly approach the vault.

Your run is controlled, fast, and tight. As you get closer to the board, narrow your focus. Set your eyes on the spring mat where you will place your hands one in front of the other. Your hurdle feels powerful. Pick up speed and then tightly round off into the board keeping your heads square between your arms and rotating your feet over your head. Feel your body snap over your hands and hit the board. Pay attention to the punching sound the board makes in response to the force. Snap back and throw your arms fast back over your head until you hit the vault with your hands at a straight 45-degree angle. Keep your arms and shoulders locked tight.

See yourself aggressively blocking off the vault. With the block, feel your body rise, float and twist fully. It feels easy and smooth.

Your feet are squeezed together and your laid out form is technically perfect. The landing is light and your upper body is up. Bend your knees as you feel your quads tighten and absorb the landing. Focus on not moving.

The landing might gives a little as you stick it, you are on. Remain in that moment and concentrate on how smooth the entire vault felt.

Recollect how you precisely executed each rapid movement. Before each vault, each vault practiced, each time you rotate to vault in a competition, while you are stretching or before you go to bed or get up in the morning, practice your mental Yurchenko dialogue training in your mind. Practice your mental routine with as much diligence and commitment that you practice all your skills with. Treat it like every other skill you perform day in and day out.

During each training session, go through the vault calling the mind, all the intricacies of the movement and the muscles in your body that are used. Which ones do you tighten? Which ones do you keep relaxed? Pay attention to when you tighten, where is you are focus?

Try to view your vault from several different perspectives. View yourself performing it from your coach's perspective, your own perspective and even in different types of pressure situations. Take the opportunity to relax. Unclutter your mind, take your time, utilize appropriate visual and sensory awareness and see yourself being successful. Set a consistent goal for yourself. Execute your routine goal well every time. You are an incredible vaulter.

Your energy rises and you know you can do this vault again.