10 Quastions

All the question should be about a page and a half and the answer came from the book, this is book link:


1: What contradictions exist in each of the four major ideologies in this chapter, and do they seriously detract from what each represents? Why (or why not)?

2: “explains how the colonial experience prepared Americans for independence, the restrictions that Britain placed on the colonies, and the American response to those restrictions.”

3: describes and evaluates “the Full Faith and Credit clause in Article IV of the Constitution —which mandates that each state give “full faith and credit” to each other’s laws, records, and legal decisions.”

4: discusses the following question: “other than factors of family and education, what circumstances would influence an individual American more in determining his/her political socialization?”

5: describes and evaluates at least three of the original functions of a political party and in what respect these functions are relevant or not today.

6: describes and evaluates at least three reasons behind the long term decline in voter participation in the US.

7: describes and evaluates the reasons why our founding fathers created a bicameral legislature and what does this mean at the functional level.

8: describes and evaluates two of the many roles the president has to play as part of his tenure as a president.

9: describes and evaluates the following question: “Of all the sources of American law, which of them has consistently held the most authority over the largest number of people, and why?”

10: which the issue of morality versus reality in the conduct of US foreign policy is discussed and analyzed.