phd Isaac Newton/cost benefit project

Project Requirement

Total Points Available

A title page with the title describing the project, the student’s name and course title is included

The major source of pollution detailed in the project is described in detail.


Proper grammar is used throughout the paper


Proper spelling and punctuation are used throughout the paper


Sources of the pollution are identified as well as real and potential consequences of the pollution on the environment


Effects of the pollution are clearly identified and described


Scoring Rubric for Cost/Benefit Analysis Pollution Project

All article reviews must be submitted by the published due dates in the syllabus. One point will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.

All costs associated with implementation of the plan are clearly outlined


All benefits of the plan are clearly outlined and described


A cost/benefit analysis is detailed and cleat to include several options for plan implementation


A conclusion, based on the research presented, is provided to provide support or reject the proposed plan


Proper references/citations are included