Psychological thought has evolved from philosophical inquiry to scientific research. Describe the value of different perspectives in the field and the need for the subdivisions in your own words

2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 1/7 Figure 1.2 Doctoral degrees are generally conferred in form al cerem onies involving special attire and rites. (credit: Public Affairs Offi ce Fort W ainwright) M o d u le 1 .4 : C a r e e r s in P s y c h o lo g y Psychologists can w ork in m any different places doing m any different things. In general, anyone w ishing to continue a career in psychology w ill have to earn a doctoral degree, or Ph.D ., in psychology for som e specialties and at least a m aster's degree for others. The requirem ents to earn a doctorate vary from country to country and even from school to school, but usually, individuals earning this degree m ust com plete a dissertation. A dissertation is essentially a long research paper or bundled published articles describing research that w as conducted as a part of the candidate's doctoral training. In the U nited States, a dissertation generally has to be defended before a com m ittee of expert review ers before the degree is conferred (Figure 1.2). O nce som eone earns her doctorate, she m ay seek a faculty appointm ent at a college or university, w hich w ill require her to divide her tim e betw een teaching, research, and service to the institution and profession. The am ount of tim e spent on each of these prim ary responsibilities can vary dram atically, and it is not uncom m on for faculty to shop around for the best personal fit am ong various academ ic environm ents. D epending on an individual's training, he could be anything from a biological psychologist to a clinical psychologist in an academ ic setting (Figure 1.3). O th e r C a re e rs in A c a d e m ic S e ttin g s Schools often offer m ore courses in psychology than their full-tim e faculty can teach. In these cases, a part tim e adjunct instructor is brought in to teach. Adjunct instructors usually have either a m aster's or a doctorate degree in psychology, but have a fulltim e career outside of the academ ic setting. Adjunct instructors m ay use these opportunities to supplem ent incom e or to gain teaching experience. O pportunities to becom e an adjunct instructor can be found at both 2-year and 4-year institutions. Som e people earning doctorate degrees m ay enjoy research in an academ ic setting, but m ay not be interested in teaching. These individuals m ight take on faculty positions that are exclusively devoted to conducting research. This type of position w ould likely be found at large, research-focused universities. Print This Page 2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 2/7 Figure 1.3 Individuals earning a PhD in psychology have a range of em ploym ent options. In som e areas in psychology, it is com m on for individuals w ho have recently earned a doctorate to seek out positions in postdoctoral training program s that are available before going on to serve as faculty. In m ost cases, young scientists w ill com plete one or tw o postdoctoral program s before applying for a full-tim e faculty position. Postdoctoral training program s allow young scientists to further develop their research program s and broaden their research skills under the supervision of other professionals in the field. C a re e r O p tio n s O u ts id e o f A c a d e m ic S e ttin g s Individuals w ho w ish to becom e practicing clinical psychologists have another option for earning a doctoral degree, w hich is know n as a Psy.D ., a doctor of psychology degree that is increasingly popular am ong individuals interested in pursuing careers in clinical psychology. Psy.D . program s generally place less em phasis on research and focus m ore on application of psychological principles in the clinical context. Regardless of w hether earning a Ph.D . or Psy.D ., m any states require an individual w ishing to practice as a licensed clinical or counseling psychologist to com plete postdoctoral w ork under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. In recent years, how ever, several states have begun to rem ove this requirem ent, w hich w ould allow som eone to get an earlier start in his career (M unsey, 2009). After an individual has m et the state requirem ents, his credentials are evaluated to determ ine w hether he can sit for the licensure exam . O nly individuals that pass this exam can call them selves licensed clinical or counseling psychologists (N orcross, n.d.). Licensed clinical or counseling psychologists can then w ork in a num ber of settings, ranging from private clinical practice to hospital settings. It should be noted that clinical psychologists and psychiatrists do different things and receive different types of education. W hile both can conduct therapy and counseling, clinical psychologists have a Ph.D . or a Psy.D ., w hereas psychiatrists have a doctor of m edicine degree (M .D .). As such, licensed clinical psychologists can adm inister and interpret psychological tests, w hile psychiatrists can prescribe m edications. Individuals earning a Ph.D . can w ork in a variety of settings, depending on their areas of specialization. For exam ple, som eone trained as a biopsychologist m ight w ork in a pharm aceutical com pany to help test the effi cacy of a new drug. Som eone w ith a clinical background m ight becom e a forensic psychologist and w ork w ithin the legal system to m ake recom m endations during crim inal trials and parole hearings, or serve as an expert w itness in a court case. W hile earning a doctoral degree in psychology is a lengthy process, usually taking betw een 5–6 years of graduate study (D eAngelis, 2010), there are a num ber of careers that can be attained w ith a m aster's degree in psychology. People w ho w ish to provide psychotherapy can becom e licensed to serve as various types of professional counselors (H offm an, 2012). Relevant m aster's degrees are also suffi cient for individuals seeking careers as school psychologists (N ational Association of School Psychologists, n.d.), in som e capacities related to sport psychology 2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 3/7 (Am erican Psychological Association, 2014), or as consultants in various industrial settings (Landers, 2011, June 14). U ndergraduate coursew ork in psychology m ay be applicable to other careers such as psychiatric social w ork or psychiatric nursing, w here assessm ents and therapy m ay be a part of the job. An undergraduate education in psychology is associated w ith a know ledge base and skill set that m any em ployers find quite attractive. It should com e as no surprise, then, that individuals earning bachelor's degrees in psychology find them selves in a num ber of different careers, as show n in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Top O ccupations Em ploying G raduates w ith a B.A. in Psychology (Fogg, H arrington, Shatkin, 2012) Ranking O ccupation 1 M id- and top-level m anagem ent (executive, adm inistrator) 2 Sales 3 Social w ork 4 O ther m anagem ent positions 5 H um an resources (personnel, training) 6 O ther adm inistrative positions 7 Insurance, real estate, business 8 M arketing and sales 9 H ealthcare (nurse, pharm acist, therapist) 2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 4/7 Ranking O ccupation 10 Finance (accountant, auditor) Lin k to Le a rn in g W atch a brief video describing som e of the career options available to people earning bachelor's degrees in psychology. C h e ck Yo u r K n o w le d g e As you read your assignm ent for this lesson, pay close attention to the key term s and phrases listed throughout the chapter. These term s and concepts are im portant to your understanding of the inform ation provided in the lesson. 2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 5/7 Previous Card Term 1 of 12 Next Card Module 1.4 Flashcards Clic k on the notecard to reveal the defin itio n. RESET DESCRIPTION:

A professional organization representing psychologists in the United States. American Psychological Association 2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 6/7 Directions: M atch the psychological perspective or subdivision listed left with the best exam ple of its application. GET KEYBOARD TIPS RESET ALL QUESTIONS C h e ck Y o u r K n o w le d g e PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Cognitive perspective Developmental psychology Sociocultural perspective Cultural psychology Biological perspective Psychodynamic perspective Social psychology Humanist psychology Feminist psychology Behavioral psychology Evolutionary psychology APPLICATIONStudy the behavior of crowds Genetically influenced behavior in past and present Ef fects of brain damage on behavior Observe rewards/punishments on behavior Study people’ s willingness to help a stranger Emphasize free will and personal growth Focus on dreams and universal fears of death Study memory and reasoning Study the growth of children Norms in one region dif fer from another Analyze gender biased research methods 2017/5/27 PSY101 - Module 1.4 https://www .riolearn.or g/content/psy/psy101/PSY101_INTER_0000_v8/lessons/module01-04.shtml 7/7   M odule 1.3