Prof Maurice - Contemporary Leader Part 4

Running head: PATH-GOAL THEORY 0

Path-goal theory


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Path-goal theory

The path-goal theory refers to a form of a leadership trait that aims at leaders supporting and encouraging the followers for the achievement of the set goals thus making the path set smooth and clear (Ahmadian, Azarshahi & Paulhus 2017). The public leader in the United States President Donald Trump who is known for unconventional and eccentricity business practices. The path-goal theory describes various kinds of leadership that a leader ought to possess. The types of leadership traits include directive, achievement-oriented, participative, and supportive.

Donald Trump has the path-goal characteristics in his leadership such as being supportive of his followers’ wishes as well as the achievement of his manifestos. A supportive leader is one that supports or gives a hand to his or her fan's needs through friendly environment creation as well as the individual welfare concern (Phillips & Phillips 016). A friendly environment includes boosting individual self-esteem as well as having interesting jobs. The supportive approach is appropriate in circumstances in which the work environment is hazardous, boring, and stressful. Donald Trump as a supportive leader he has shown these through fulfilling the interest of his follower as well as those indicated in the manifesto. Before the United States election, Donald Trump promised his follower through his manifesto that he ought to implement the issue of immigration in the United States. The declaration about the immigration policies ought to bring the American interest first and thus taking care of his followers’ interests. Additionally, Trump proposed enforcing the laws on immigration at the workplace as at the border (Ahmadian, Azarshahi & Paulhus 2017). The president has fulfilled his manifesto at the benefit of his followers through deporting illegal immigrants, immigrants who have adopted the America way are adopted, sanctuary cities ending, and building of the wall.

Subsequently, the leader is effective and thus able to handle various obstacles that are the leader is achievement oriented. Donald is achievement oriented in that he has the financial understanding as well as has clear priorities. Clear priorities come along as the president emphasizes on the duties of the federal government that aims at citizens’ rights protection (Hirt 2016). He goes ahead to condemn the federal government as they have not been undertaking the duty of citizens protection in the right manner. The president opposes the use of government funds to finance abortions unless in an occurrence of incest, rape, and protection of the life of a mother. The president is focused on criminal activities, and thus the leader is achievement oriented. On the other hand, the leader is effective in that he has a financial understanding. The leader has a strong empire back in the past and experience regarding management which has been successful and thus effective.

Additionally, the leader Donald Trump has provided his leadership trait to his followers through the enhancement of participative leadership style. The pubic organization follower has been engaged in the leadership through being consulted on the daily operation (Hirt 2016). A leader who makes use of a participative leadership style is one who adopts and consult about the followers’ ideas about a particular matter before undertaking an action or a decision. The type of leadership is appropriate in circumstances in which the advice of the follower is needed, and the followers are expert in a particular matter. For example, Trump makes use of tweets to get more information about the needs of his followers.

Leader exchange membership theory refers to a two-way approach relationship based that exist between the followers and the leader (Hirt 2016). Donald Trump is a leader who makes use of the membership exchange theory as he takes the interest of his followers in the implementation of his leadership policies. For example, the leader gives the American priority before anybody else comes in. The issue of priority is evident through the immigration policies of illegal immigrants. Secondly, the exchange membership theory is evident through enhancement of the United States security whereby there is the discrimination of the Muslim community as they are associated with criminal and terror attacks according to the president. Thus the Muslims are often inspected as well as their places of worship


Ahmadian, S., Azarshahi, S., & Paulhus, D. L. (2017). Explaining Donald Trump via communication style: Grandiosity, informality, and dynamism. Personality and Individual Differences, 107, 49-53.

Hirt, M. J. K. (2016). Path-Goal Theory of Leadership: Leadership and Public Management. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 1-6.

Phillips, A. S., & Phillips, C. R. (2016). Behavioral Styles of Path-Goal Theory: An Exercise for Developing Leadership Skills. Management Teaching Review, 1(3), 148-154.