Worksheet: Statuses and Roles

Worksheet: Statuses and Roles 1

SOC 112 Module Three Worksheet: Statuses and Roles

NOTE: This is Just Sample work to serve as a guide not to copy this work. Please Avoid plagiarism.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences (1–3 sentences per question). Find at least one scholarly resource to support your answers. Your responses will be graded using the Module Three Worksheet Rubric.

Status 1

Status 2

Status 3

1. Describe three statuses that you occupy in society.

The first status that I occupy in society is the role of being a Christian.

The second role I occupy in society is the role of being a college student.

The third role I occupy in society is the role of being an employee.

2. Identify whether each status is ascribed or achieved.

The role of being a Christian is an achieved status. Although I was born into a Christian household, it was up to me to walk that path.

The role of being a college student is an achieved status. When I was born, I was not automatically a college student. All the years of schooling led up to being a college student.

The role of being an employee is an achieved status. Although I am not in the field I want to be in right now, I had to work to get to where I am now in my job. I was not born into having this job.

3. Explain what the role expectations are for each status.

The role expectations of being a Christian is to always show the light and love of God everywhere you go with every action. A Christian is expected to always be kind to everyone, never lose their temper, and never participate in something that goes against their belief.

The biggest role expectations of being a college student is to get maintain good grades. Another expectation is to spend time doing homework and studying for the assignments. As well as to put other stuff aside to make time to focus on school work.

The role expectations of being an employee is to always put your best foot forward. An employee is expected to show up to the job on time every day, complete all the work assigned to them, work efficiently and even help the other employees.

4. Provide one example of role conflict.

An example of a role conflict with being a Christian is being a college student. This can bring a conflict because sometimes some of the things that I must learn about, goes against some aspects of my beliefs. As well as, sometimes the deadlines prevent me from going to church on Wednesday nights.

An example of a role conflict with being a student is being an employee. This can bring a conflict because sometimes being a student, there may be times that I must stay up late doing homework or studying. So, it makes it harder to concentrate on my job for the next day.

An example of a role conflict with being an employee is being a Christian. This can bring a conflict because sometimes while at work I must hear and deal with things that I do not believe is right. Also, being an employee prevents me from going to church for night services.

5. Provide one example of role strain.

One role strain of being a Christian is sometimes having to choose between friends or beliefs. Although this is not a hard decision for most, they will stick to what they believe in, this can cause strain on the status.

One role strain of being a college student is being late to class or missing it altogether because a meeting at work ran over.

One role strain of being an employee would be a student coming into work late because a class ran over.

6. Provide one example of a status that might be subject to social inequalities. For example, mothers tend to make less money in the workplace, an experience known as the motherhood penalty.

One example of social inequalities when it comes to being a Christian is the stereotype of being judgmental. Even though some are, just like in every other group, most are not. Due to this stereotype, people do not give Christians a chance and consider us all to be judgmental.

An example of social inequalities when it comes to being a college student is the ability to pay for college. Even though there are many different options to pay for college, sometimes people just do not have the means to go to school.

One example of social inequalities when it comes to being an employee is a woman making less money than a man. Even though a man and woman can hold the same position it is well known that a woman will receive less.