Ashford 610 Masters Course

These are what my instructor require students to include with their written work as each instructor is different. APA format is in Word and just follow the template. No PDF -WORD ONLY

 While APA does provide formatting and structural guidance please remember it does not cover all papers and is relegated to research papers mostly. Therefore I will ask for different items within your written assignments. 
The following are some common issues that detract from overall scores:
Cover page)
No running head
No page number
Incorrect instructor heading (Instructor Todd, Curtis Todd, Curtis Todd PhD (Dr. Curtis Todd will suffice)
No date
Font in running head does not match rest of font
(Body of paper)
No thesis statement
Excessive short sentences
Grammatical errors
Failure to use headings for new topics within the paper
Sentence structure (awkward, missing words)
Incorrect or improper citations
Conclusion heading and paragraph
"In conclusion' statement which will be severely penalized as this is not scholarly.
No restated thesis statement in past tense

Please be sure to include a thesis statement within the introduction of your written work. The thesis statement should be in bold font and be the last few sentences of the introduction. For example the thesis statement could say This paper will discuss.... or  This paper will explore  etc.... Please be sure to clearly state what you will discuss or address in your assignment to give your reader clarity. It should be a few sentences at mostly rather than a paragraph. Be succinct as well.

You must use an Introduction heading at the beginning of your paper and use transitional sentences to introduce the next new topic.

In the conclusion of the paper please be sure to restate your thesis statement in past tense however; you do not need to use bold font. In the conclusion please do not introduce any new information. You should summarize and provide your final thoughts. Please, please do not begin your conclusion with ’in conclusion' as this is not a scholarly response and substantial loss of points will occur. 
Please do not use bullet points, graphics, pictures or numerals when discussing information as this can be viewed as just filling the page requirement. The written assignments are too small to incorporate the above and if you a penalty will ensue.


Please be sure to write all papers in third person for a better academic flow. According to APA (slide 13 in pwr pnt presentation). Use 3rd person point of view (unless opinion paper): Avoid pronouns such as I, we, my, our (1st person) and you, yours, your, us, we (2nd person). Deal with facts, thus, providing citations within paper and reference page. Focus on subject; not feelings about the subject. The use of 3rd person retains a formal tone:   Academic writing is more formal than casual conversation. Please, please, please follow all assignment directions.