HSCO 500 week 3 Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography

Running head: SAMPLE PAPER 1

A Sample Paper for the Purpose of Correct Formatting

Student Name

Liberty University

Per the

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA; 6th edition), double-space the

entire paper (p. 229), except with charts or tables. Do not add any extra spacing. Use Times New Roman,

12-point font. Do not use bold except for headings as necessary (see page 62 of your APA manual).

Margins are set for 1" on top, bottom, and both sides. All page references will be in the current APA manual

edition. Add two spaces after punctuation at the end of each sentence, except in the reference list, for the

sake of readability (pp. 87-88). The header on the cover page is different from the headers on the rest of the

paper. Only the cover page header includes the words Running head (without the italics; p. 41) . The header

is flush left but the page numbers are flush right (see bottom of p. 229). Make sure the header font is the

same as the rest of the paper. Handouts on

how to format the cover page (as well as other handouts) are

available on the Online Writing Center’s webpage: http://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=17176 ,

and a

superb YouTube video demonstration that provides visualized step-b y

-step instructions for setting a paper up

in proper APA format is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUjhwGmhDrI Note: C omments inside boxes are not part of the formatting of the paper . Section or page number references

to the APA manual are denoted in parentheses throughout. Most citations within the body of this paper are

fictional, for instructional purposes only , but are also included in the reference list for illustrative purposes o f

correlating citations in the body of the paper with resources in the reference list.


Note: Center the following information in the top half of the page: title, your name, and school name (2.01, p.

23; 41) . Some professors require the course title and section, the instructor’s name, and the date ; add those on

the lines beneath the required title page information . Do not use contractions in formal papers — in either the

title or t he body of the paper ( i.e., use “do not” rather than “don’t”). Titles should include no more than 12

words. Titles use upper and lowercase letters (i.e., “title case;” 20.1, p. 23; see also 4.15 on pp. 101 J 102) .

Prepared by Christy Owen, Brian Aunkst, and Dr. Carmella O’Hare. L ast updated June 28, 201S K SAMPLE PAPER 2

Annotated Bibliography

Cross, D. & Purvis, K. (2008). Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil? Avances en

Psycologia Latinoamericana , 2 6(1), 66 - 81.

Weaving spiritual applications throughout the article, the authors incorporate a plethora

of references to substantiate that maltreatment has a direct connection to attachment

disorders . They provide articulate and heavily - supported reasoning, detailing the specific

causes of maternal deprivation ind ividually, and then incorporating them in a broader

sense, to answer the article’s title in the affirmative.

Feldman, R. (2007), Mother J infant synchrony and the development of moral orientation in

childhood and adolescence: Direct and indirect mechanisms of developmental continuity.

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77 (4), 582 - 597.

This longitudinal study tracked 31 Israeli children from ages 3 months to 13 years

(infancy to adolescence). There were direct parallels noted between increased

attachment/ coherence and the child’s moral cognition, empathy development, and verbal

IQ. Toddlers who were able to regulate their own behavior later proved to excel in lead J

lag structures and language skillsK A Sample Paper for the Purpose of Correct Formatting