Green Pastures Static Budget Income Statement ACC/561 Version 7

University of Phoenix Material

Green Pastures

Static Budget Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31, 2017

Actual Master Budget Difference

Number of Mares 52 60 8 U

Number of Boarding Days 19,000 21,900 2,900 U

Sales $380,000 $547,500 $167,500 U

Less: Variable Expenses

Feed 104,390 109,500 5,110 F

Veterinary Fees 58,838 65,700 6,862 F

Blacksmith Fees 4,984 5,475 491 F

Supplies 10,178 12,045 1,867 F

Total Variable Expenses 178,390 192,720 14,330 F

Contribution Margin 201,610 354,780 153,170 U

Less: Fixed Expenses

Depreciation 40,000 40,000 -0-

Insurance 11,000 11,000 -0-

Utilities 12,000 14,000 2,000 F

Repairs and Maintenance 10,000 11,000 1,000 F

Labor 88,000 95,000 7,000 F

Advertisement 12,000 8,000 4,000 U

Entertainment 7,000 5,000 2,000 U

Total Fixed Expenses 180,000 184,000 4,000 F

Net Income $21,610 $170,780 $149,170 U

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