
Healthcare Technology

Healthcare Technology

Technology is among the most beneficial aspects that the healthcare industry has benefited from. Currently, a large number of trends have been established and adopted within the industry among which include the electronic health records and the healthcare robots trend. Although these technology aspects are significantly beneficial to this industry, they are still challenged by a large number of concerns regarding security and effectiveness in the provision of their services. Electronic Health Record technology trend, as explained earlier regards the utilization of technology to store the data of individual patients. With this technology, it becomes extremely easy to retrieve this data and transfer it (Lorenzetti, Straus, Sykes, 2011).

The first major privacy risk that this technology raises concern about is the fact that patient data is extremely easy to transmit from one individual to another. With the easy transmission of this information, it becomes easy for the authorized individuals to share the information with other people and thus the privacy of the patient is completely flawed. Another major risk that is associated with this technology is the fact that currently, it has become extremely easy for highly skilled individuals to hack into networks and access information that they are not authorized to access. With this understanding, patients are concerned that data stored within these technologies could easily be accessed by highly skilled unauthorized individuals.

In order to protect themselves from these issues, the technology developers established many aspects through which they ensure that unauthorized individuals will not access patient data. An example is the utilization of the authorization passcodes which all individuals will require before they can access the data. The other aspect is making the technology difficult to obtain and thus without its access; it becomes difficult for unauthorized individuals to obtain the required data. The effectiveness of the technology is the other major aspect of concern. A major strategy that individuals, however, utilize with the aim of determining the extent to which the technology is efficient is comparing the benefits that the individuals attain with the technology with the utilization of the traditional way through which the instructions can be established. This strategy helps to ensure that individuals with efficiency concerns regarding the technology attain an understanding of the different ways through which it is significantly beneficial. Understanding the effectiveness of this technology trend is important since it determines whether an individual will have the need to adopt that technology or not (Menachemi, & Collum, 2011).


Lorenzetti, D., Straus, S., Sykes, L. (2011). The impact of the electronic medical record on structure, process, and outcomes within primary care: a systematic review of the evidence: National Institute of Health. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3197985/

Menachemi, N. & Collum, T. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems: Single Blind. Retrieved from https://www.dovepress.com/benefits-and-drawbacks-of-electronic-health-record-systems-peer-reviewed-article-RMHP