Issues and Ethics in the Helping Profession

Book once accessed, go to online (ebook) click first book “Ethics” and once loaded at top is a little home picture (house) and it you can navigate each chapter easily.

Students must cite and clearly reference ethical codes from the American Counseling Association (ACA) in their reaction paper to support their response to each topic. Papers must be written in APA style and each paper must include a minimum of 7 professional references. One of the 7 references may be the ACA Code of Ethics and one reference may be the textbook for class. The other 5 references can only include refereed journal articles or professional textbooks from the fields of counseling or psychology. Students should not refer to ethical codes or references outside of the counseling or psychology professions

While reflecting and writing their reaction papers, students should consider the question from the perspective of a mental health counselor. For each topic, the student should cite at least one section of the ACA Code of Ethics as well as at least one reference outside of the textbook or codes of ethics (e.g., refereed journal articles or professionally written books). If a student is confused whether a reference will count they should email the instructor.

The required topics for Reaction Papers are as follows:

Included under each required section is key information to help you formulate the direction of paper. (BOLD)

1) Countertransference: Identify one form of countertransference you might struggle

within working with your specific population and address how you would deal

with this in an ethical and effective manner. (Ch 2)

~I over identify with them (difficulties we have resolved in the past/similar personality/social standing/age/gender etc.)

2) Personal Values: Identify one specific value that you are likely to push or

promote, or an area where you expect to struggle because of a value conflict with

a given client. Write about how you might proceed to lessen the chances you

would impose your values on this client? (Ch 3)



3) Diversity: After studying the areas of attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and skills of a

culturally skilled helper, what specific areas do you most need to work on to

become effective in dealing with diversity? How might you go about acquiring

multicultural competence? (Ch 4)

A better understanding of other cultures, more reading, challenging myself  to immerse in other cultural experience firsthand to know more.

4) Informed Consent: Read the material in the text on informed consent and review

the samples given. If you were to design your own informed consent document,

what would you be sure to include? Be specific about what information you

would require of your clients as well as why you would require this information.

In your answer, include information about the age level you plan to work with and

take that into consideration when writing your response. If working with minors

or individuals unable to give consent, consider the role of the parent/guardian. (Ch


18 and over. has to have right document questions 

5) Confidentiality: Assume you are counseling a client that you have serious

concerns about with respect to either danger to self (suicidal person) or danger to

other (violent person). Create a brief scenario and identify the salient legal,

ethical, and clinical issues. Make sure to include the age of the client and

information about the setting. Assuming that you would seek consultation, what

would you ask of the consultant? Discuss what you would do (giving your

rationale) in the scenario you present. (Ch 6)

suicidal, disease (HIV) create snenario 33 female