Correct my introduction and methodology assignment paper according to the feedback given by my proffesor


Building Trust Through E-Commerce Websites

Bose Mithra Nalla

IST 8101

Wilmington University

Building Trust Through E-Commerce Websites

Business transactions in e-commerce has a crucial role in building the influence and trust from all the customers and decide from it. Information obtained from the websites is the one which helps in building the relationship with the users. It is also usual to find some information that is missing in all these websites (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010). Such information is very important to all the users who purchase products and make transactions faceless that is in e-commerce. In general, e-commerce is business that is complete electronical where people view the products in their electronic devices, decide from all the available products, pay money online and get the product delivered to home (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010). In reality, in terms of human interaction, there is no interaction between man to man as all the transactions are made online. Using the internet and computer network all these transactions are made which include the processes like buying, selling, exchanging, getting service or information regarding the products purchased (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010).

E-commerce websites are where the providers and consumers can be getting their things done obtaining all the resources through online. As there will be no human interaction, there cannot be any external influential factors (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010). This indicates that the information elements included in the website should act as an influential factor that should make the users help to make decisions in making transactions. Customer interface is the first one that act as the most influencing element in any e-commerce website. The more attractive interface, the more users that are attracted to shop in the website. This interface should be flexible, easy to navigate, convenient and comfortable to access the different areas in the website. Content design is associated with the type of content included in the website and the format that is included plays an important role in transactions.

Structure design about the way things are aligned and structured for easy accessibility. Navigation design involves the mechanisms that can be used to navigate in a website and access all the features that are available through easy navigation (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010). Interface design always builds the most important and crucial trust elements so that the credibility, expertise and trustworthiness can be established between the user and the website in the process of making transactions. A computer with effective and efficient system design features and some factors like psychological ones to make an impact on the user (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010). Communication with the customers, confidentiality of the personal information can be guaranteed.

Trust can be established if the information kept is confidential and private. Competence and consistency also keeps the users to make it stay in competition as well as to make the transactions discrete to build loyalty and integrity with the customers. Reputation of the website and its brand name are also factors that build the trust of users (Bakar & Shahibi, 2010). They have the reputation that they will not hurt the trust of customers and disappoint them. All the information that is provided in the website must be complete and should describe the product completely. Images and information should be relevant to the product so that they can be in a structured way. All the elements will be identified and can be presented in a complete and understandable which makes the website more trustworthy.


Action research is a process that is flexible to the users and allows the maximum possible action to be implemented to bring the change that is expected performing the research. The main intention of action research methodology is to understand the research that is being performed and some knowledge can be achieved at the same time (Dick, 2002). Implementing the change helps to know about the change that is being applied in the process. People who are generally associated with changes are much involved with action research. This is a process where implementing the change by acting and researching about the change that is being applied parallelly. Action research process is very like the human rhythm where we tend to do a process, implement it, observe the change and if it is not implemented well, we change it by repeating the process until it is done.

Action research is something which involves action and review of the actions taken in a cyclic process until the outcome is as expected. All the outcomes of the action taken will be known and accurate (Reardon, 2000). Action research, the name itself implicates that action and research is performed parallelly. Sometimes the research performed will assist the action taken in the process and vice versa. Outcome in action research purely involves people in the process of planning and action. This will be flexible to the people and become responsive to the situation (Schoen & Nolen, 2004). In general, the people who plan and make decision are different from the people who do it but in action research it will be the same people who do the research as well as implement the plan. This strategy helps to remove the gap between the people who plan it and the people who implement it as the work will be done collaboratively.

Correct my introduction and methodology assignment paper according to the feedback given by my proffesor 1

Action research also has the benefit that it can suit well to all the situations that might change during the process. Following the action with critical reflection is the way that mostly yields the research outcome (Wilson, 2016). Action is implemented and the results are reviewed once they are obtained. Changes will be altered in the iterations performed during the process. A critical reflection will be done so that the reflection provides necessary actions to be taken in the next iteration. This iteration will be like action followed by a critical reflection based on the things that didn’t work out (Schoen & Nolen, 2004). Understanding will be done based on the reflection and some conclusions will be drawn implementing the plans and then they will be tested.

Qualitative data and natural process of research will be done in the process of action research. All the information generated must be qualitative because they are used to provide output and explain the research. Quantitative and qualitative are both the terms that are associated with the action research process (Schoen & Nolen, 2004). All the process is done in a cyclic manner including the critical reflection process. All the research questions can be answered through this process and the answers can be obtained in an efficient manner. This process can help to provide better answers and better research methods. All the imprecise questions will be answered in the process of research and through an appropriate choice (Dick, 2002).

Action research process helps to learn the concepts when the research process is being performed. Proceeding further with each iteration makes the researcher more precise about the topic and he can answer all the questions in an efficient manner. This also helps to determine alternative ways to find the solution (Reardon, 2000). It is also tested to make all the functions to be included in the outcome. Any assumption in the process will be tested in each iteration and helped to resolve the assumptions.

Action research can be implemented in such situations where both the learning and achieving should be done at the same time. As this is an iterative process, it also varies between the action and the reflection some times. These iterations include internal iterations that might be restricted to the process of that iteration. All the people who are involved in this action research process will be effected with the change that is implemented throughout the process besides providing an advantage of learning about the research.


Bakar, Z. A., & Shahibi, M. S. (2010, December). Information elements of a website that promotes trust in e-commerce. Retrieved from IEEE:

Dick, B. (2002). Action research: action and research. Retrieved from Aral:

Reardon, K. M. (2000, January 01). Action Research. Journal of the American Planning Association, 66(1), 103.

Schoen, S. F., & Nolen, J. (2004, September 01). Action Research. Teaching Exceptional Children, 37(1), 26.

Wilson, V. (2016, March 01). Research Methods: Action Research. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11, 63-65.