for michael smith only

for michael smith only 1
Exercise 4 Worksheet: Learning Action Plan (Part 2)

Save this worksheet to your computer with the filename "Your_Name_Exercise_4."

Create a unique learning action plan to guide you through your academic career as a student at the University of Phoenix.

Complete each table by answering the questions and providing detailed infromation about goal setting and overcoming obstacles. Note: there are three sections to complete: Opportunities and Challenges, Goal Setting, and Support System.

Submit the completed worksheet as an attachment via the Assignment Files tab.

In this exercise, you will reflect on your personal and professional goals that you hope to achieve by completing a degree program at the University of Phoenix. You will also reflect on your support system, the people in your community who will help you achieve these goals. You may have started this conversation with your grad team. This reflection activity helps solidify conversations into an actionable plan. We strongly encourage you to print out your learning action plan and refer to it throughout your educational career.

Opportunities and Challenges

What is your initial motivation for returning to school?

Career advancement

What opportunities do you foresee having as a result of completing your program?

With a college degree, I will be able to advance in my career.

What challenges might you encounter?

I will not be able to hold the highest level of employment without a degree.

How will working in teams help you with your career goals?

when knowledge is shared in the workplace it will helps me learn new skills that I can use for the rest of my life..

How might working in teams be a challenge? How would you overcome or prevent those challenges?

There maybe a lack of communication. Everyone should come together and discuss issues as a team.

Resources Available:

Phoenix Career Guidance System

Life Resource Center

Learning Team Tool Kit

Goal Setting

for michael smith only 2

SMART goal: "I am going to create a profile for PhoenixConnect and LinkedIn by July 15th. Each week, I will post twice on each site. During the month of August, I will test new ways to interact and make connections, documenting which ways work and which ones don't."

Not a SMART goal: "I'm going to get better at using social media."

Using the SMART goal process, list a long-term goal that you would like to accomplish.

Using the SMART goal process, list a short-term goal you would like to accomplish.

Describe how you plan to achieve these goals

What resources will you need to accomplish this goal?

Long-Term SMART Goal



Short-Term SMART Goal



How will you celebrate your accomplishments?

Support System

Who will you look to for inspiration as you complete your program?

My advisor

Who are the individuals in your support system?

My advisor, family, friend, and myself.

Resources Available:

Grad Team

Faculty Members


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