english literature

Module 3 Checklist: Love, life, and family The writing assignment and multiple-choice test must be completed by 11.55 pm Wednesday 7 June. In order to complete the module, you should complete the following activities. I would recommend doing them in the order listed. 1. Readings Lord Byron, “Prometheus” [Bb] Percy Shelley, “Opening speech” from Prometheus Unbound [Bb] Mary Shelley, Frankenstein James Joyce, “The Sisters,” “An Encounter,” “Counterparts,” “A Little Cloud,” from Dubliners Please note: there is more reading in this module than in preceding ones. Please give yourself enough time to complete the readings. 2. Additional activities For an overview of the myth of Prometheus and some of the different versions, check out the Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus To prepare for the writing assignment, you might like to read the essay by Anne K. Mellor, “Possessing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein” at the end of the Norton Critical Edition of Frankenstein (pages 355–68). 3. Lectures Listen to Lecture 5: Frankenstein’s conversations and Lecture 6: Joycean paralysis 4. Writing Sample Read the sample writing assignment, “Frankenstein’s conversation with William Godwin” 5. Test Complete the multiple-choice test by 11.55 pm Wednesday 7 June 2017 6. Writing Assignment Complete the writing assignment (Module 3: Writing Assignment) by 11.55 pm Wednesday 7 June 2017. Be sure to submit your work via Turnitin.