Unit I Assignment

Conflict/Negotiation Styles

For the Unit I Assignment, you will complete two parts:

Part 1: Complete the Negotiation Style Self-Assessment located here. Once you have completed the self-assessment, write a response that includes the following:

 A description of your conflict style results

 How you feel this information can be useful to you as you negotiate with others

 When your style is appropriate and inappropriate

 What bargaining tactics you prefer

Part 1 must be a minimum of one full page in length. Please note that you do not need to submit your completed self-assessment. Part 1 of your assignment is to provide only the description of your results, as detailed above.

Part 2: For the second part of this assignment, you will explain when negotiation is appropriate. Please explain the following points:

 When you should negotiate (including a specific example)

 When you should not negotiate (including a specific example)

 When mutual adjustment occurs and what part it plays in negotiations.

Part 2 must be at least one full page in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as a reference. You may use the CSU Online Library or the Internet for other resources.

Submit Part 1 and Part 2 in one Word document. Please label the parts for clarity by using headings. Follow proper APA format, and include a title page and reference page. Cite and reference all outside sources used.

Course Textbook

Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2015). Negotiation (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.