Project 1

Leadership Development Plan MBA 610

This Leadership Development Plan serves as your road map for short-term training and development activities that will enhance your leadership competencies. You will review, revise, and update your plan several times during the course of your MBA degree program at UMUC.

Your name: Danielle BalsonYour current job title: Center Leader

Long-Term Career Goal Make sure your goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

In the next five years, my career objective is becoming a project manager trainer in a global company. I look forward to being able to train all new and subordinate officers within the shortest time frame possible to enable my employer to attain the set goals of the company. My goal is that in the next 3-5 years, I would be able to identify training needs that fit my employing firm and be sure that the needs are significant.

Short-Term Skills Development Needs What skills will you need to acquire to achieve your long-term career goal?

My leadership skills training and development goals for the next 1 to 2 years are to

  1. Ability to learn about new developments in my area of specialization.

  2. Be able to conduct job-related research and present findings to workmates and the manager.

  3. Ability to learn about new and upcoming technologies, systems, and processes in my area of profession.

  4. Ability to establish excellent working relationships with the subordinate officers.

Signature Danielle Balson Date 20170411 Short-Term Leadership Skills Development Goal 1

Complete the following table with the details of your plan for Goal 1 above.

Training & developmental activities toward Goal 1


  • Attend a conference on ethical leadership

  • Read a book on the importance of cultural competence in my industry

  • Learn several key phrases in a new language

Target completion date / actual completion date

Set your target dates at the outset.
Update with actual dates when you have completed each task.

Resources & costs

What costs are associated with completing this activity? What resources will you use to cover those costs?

Expected outcomes/measures

How will you know you have succeeded? How will you demonstrate your acquired competency? How might someone else be able to validate your new competency?

Do field research to come up with new work styles of leadership.



The resources needed include other companies’ information, business articles, questionnaires, and the internet. The costs to be incurred are research costs, transport costs, and other sundry expenses associated with the study.

Ability to conduct deep research on a technological issue and come up with valuable findings on how to resolve the problem. Have the insight to take on new challenges in project management as far as short term assignments are concerned. Educate my colleagues on information system techniques such that they comment positively on my experience in research analysis.

Attend local seminars, workshops, and conferences to learn new advancements in the industry.



Attending seminars requires various resources which include; stationeries, some section of subordinates, and technological know-how. The costs to be incurred include transport costs, accommodation allowances, and conference fees.

Offer practical skill based training to the subordinates which is less costly and time-saving. Ability to debrief the conference experience to the others and discuss what you learned with clarity and accuracy. Ability to apply the skills and knowledge drawn from the conference in establishing effective work procedures.

Pursue accreditations, certificates, and other professional credentials through educational programs to learn how to implement change management.



Continuing professional courses require resources such as availability of fees sponsorship by the firm, time support, and stationery such as books. The costs to be incurred include college cost, time, and consumption expenditures.

Ability to multitask and do more than one duty at a time. Ability to assist the organization work excellently on real challenges and under dilemma circumstances. Ensure that all programs run in good order and to the same direction with accuracy and clarity. For the colleagues, they should be able to consult me under conditions of complexity and difficulty and expect the right response from me on how to resolve the matter.

Short-Term Leadership Skills Development Goal 2

Complete the following table with the details of your plan for Goal 2 above.

Training & developmental activities toward Goal 2

Target completion date / actual completion date

Resources & costs

Expected outcomes/measures

Attending seminars and workshops to learn research importance for an organization.



For completion of this goal, several subordinate officers from every department will be needed. Other resources required will be stationeries, time consciousness, and technological devices such as Tablets. The costs to be incurred are seminars fee, expenditures on stationery and Tablets.

Ability to support the other subordinates in gaining and learning useful research skills. Be able to take on responsibilities beyond the scope of my current professional level. The members who did not participate in the program expect me to deliver easier methods of finding work processes. I would come up with research recommendations that would help the organization as a whole reach the next level.

Read from the internet the importance of cultural diversity within the workplace.



Conducting research on the web will be less costly in terms of time and costs. The resources time will be not more than a week; other resources include internet facilities. The costs to be incurred include internet charges.

Designing the company's website where everyone who wants to access the company's information may simply get it from the web. From the website, people from diverse cultures would be able to submit their tastes and preferences. I want the organization to recommend me as the best field researcher and analysts on cultural diversity for the employees and its customers.

Learn about new developments in my field to improve on my existing research skills.



To learn about new technologies in the industry will be costly. Such resources as Tablets, computers and the internet will be needed to facilitate this process. The costs to be incurred include field research costs, technologically related expenses, training costs, and compliance fee by the trainers.

Ability to update the firm's systems with respect to the current technological changes in the sector. In the course of implementing new technologies within the business, if it works excellently I would know that I have learned something of significance. The other workmate's ability to consult me in areas of difficulty would show that they all have trust in by skills and capability to handle any emerging challenge in the organization.

Short-Term Leadership Skills Development Goal 3

Complete the following table with the details of your plan for Goal 3 above.

Training & developmental activities toward Goal 3

Target completion date / actual completion date

Resources & costs

Expected outcomes/measures

Learn several key phases of implementing new technologies within the organization



This would require investment into new technologies and other resources such as personal accounts of the business owner. Human resources will also be needed in a good number so that at least each department is represented. The costs to be incurred include web design costs, printing business cards, employees’ allowances, and staffing agencies costs.

The ability to follow the outlined procedure of implementing technological changes within the workplace and work processes. I look forward to being able to model work designs that connote to the laid strategies of the firm in the strategic plan. When the other employees consult or seek advice on technological issues from me, I believe I am doing something unique.

Learn the effects of technological change to organizational success.



First and foremost, all employees would be needed to attend the seminar in groups. Emotional resources will also be essential so that the organization maintains sanity and motivation in the workplace. The important costs to be incurred are goodwill fee, training fees, daily allowances, and time costs.

Ability to ensure that the organization keeps in pace with new technological changes within the market. Be able to advise the top management of the best information systems that should get used in change management as far as technology is concerned. Whenever the administration seeks help from me regarding technology issues, I would believe they trust my skills.

Learn how to improve the existing skills.



Human resources will be required since for the firm to improve operations; each player needs to gain new skills. Financial resources will also be incurred as far as training costs are concerned. Educational resources will also be critical since as front line project managers, innovation is crucial. The costs to be incurred relate to financial, educational, and human resources as seen above.

The ability to go an extra mile by being creative and innovative of new project management approaches. Be able to multi-task on various roles in the workplace. Be fully diverse on the entire job of the company. Ability to get consulted in various areas of specialization would mean that I possess additional skills in project management.

Short-Term Leadership Skills Development Goal 4

Complete the following table with the details of your plan for Goal 4 above.

Training & developmental activities toward Goal 4

Target completion date / actual completion date

Resources & costs

Expected outcomes/measures

Learn how to coordinate events organized and sponsored by the organization.



The resources needed include financial resources of sponsorship, time resources, and the ability to interpret and learn technological approaches of events coordination. The costs expected to be incurred time costs, support costs, events organization costs, and law compliance expense.

Effective planning of events in a well organized and planned manner. The ability to coordinate various activities in a timely and measurable manner to minimize time costs. Capacity to avoid mistakes in the coordination of events. For one to know whether the management was impressed with his work, he or she would be given the same task in future.

Learn how to communicate effectively to the subordinates and the supervisors.



This is a short event where time as a resource is minimal. Stationeries are required as physical resources for the participants to make short notes. The costs to be incurred include feedback preparation costs, time costs, training costs, and other allowances expenses incurred by the firm.

Ability to pass information in good order and flow such that the ideas, opinions, and perceptions of every player in the firm are considered in decision making. The subordinates ability to freely communicate their suggestions to me would express that they enjoy my moods and how I control myself.

Attend a seminar or a conference on ethical work relationships and leadership.



The seminar will take approximately one week and thus certain resources such as time, stationery, and technology will be required. These resources are costly to acquire. The other possible costs to be incurred include conference fee, personal emoluments costs, allowances, and compliance fees.

Ability to educate and teach other colleagues effective work methods. The ability to point a valuable comparison on the feedback obtained from employees survey whenever a questionnaire is given. Be able to show integrity and confidentiality of work to the top most management. The management’s ability to trust me with confidential information shows that I am applying effectively whatever I learned from the seminar.