Week 5 Student Response to Discussion 1 and 2

Week 5 Discussion 2

Kitty Ann Roberts

5/31/2017 7:09:06 PM

What caught my attention was President Reagan and President George Bush who made a difference in the world when they were in office. Reagan Era, the end of the Cold-war and the fall of the Berlin Wall in late 1989. President Reagan's speech had an impact to all the people. A little over two years later, Germans on both sides broke down the wall as the government of East Germany collapsed. The "War on Drugs", where President George Bush was in office. The goal was to enforce mandatory minimum sentences for drug violations, and stick to the sentencing guidelines based on the weight and amount of drugs distributed or found on them. The drugs affected mostly the African American community, leading. The insight I have is even though President Trump is in office, a change is coming whether it's for the good or bad.


Barnes, L. & Bowles, M. (2014). The American story: Perspectives and encounters from 1877. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.