Working out assignments

In this assignment you will create an eight-week training program that consists of, three lifting days or more. Each day must work a certain muscle group (i.e. upper, lower or total body), and the exercises should reflect the muscle groups being worked. The lifting days will include at least, 1 main lift, 4 assisted exercises and 3 AB exercises for each day (at least 8 exercises total). Throughout the weeks the sets and repetitions of the main and assisted lifts should show some form of periodization. Periodizaion is the planned process of varying a training program using volume (set&reps) and intensity (weight) to bring about optimal gains in physical performance. Make a table in Word or Excel to show all exercises, sets, reps, throughout all 8 weeks weeks. This should be a well thought out eight-week program that shows that you understand general muscle group knowledge and basic concepts and applications of weight training.

With the weight training program you must have a summary. Give details about your goal and how your program will accomplish it. I expect to understand the reasoning behind your periodization. For example, why did you choose the sets and reps you choose? Are you going to have different phases (hypertrophy, strength, power)? What is your training goal? How are you going to progress (increase reps, increase weight, move weight faster)?

If you cannot answer or don’t know how to answer those questions you can do 3 things:

  1. to do a little research 2. look back at your article. 3. Ask the instructor for help


  • Summary ( Include: training goal, periodization, answer the questions how and why)

  • Eights of training program

  • At least 3 days of lifting

  • 1 Main lift, 4 assisted exercises, and 3 Abs

  • Show Set & Reps for all exercises, days and weeks

Please make your program as organized and readable as possible.

Grading will mainly be based on the basic guide lines. 3 days of lifting, 8 exercises per day, and show all sets and reps for every exercise throughout each week.

EXTRA CREDIT: 5pts for each or 10pts for both

  • Make a 2 day conditioning, agility or speed workout to include in your program. You can add it into to your program on any day of the week you choose but must be there for at least 4 out of the 8 weeks. In the summary add over load, and explanation of conditioning.

  • Include in your workout program the percentages (not weight) for your main lifts. For example, Back Squat 2x15 at 50% of max. Be sure to have the correct % with the amount of reps. It is impossible to do 3x10 at 90% or your max. Look at the PowerPoint for help with percentages (intensity).