Unit II Essay

BCJ 3601 , Criminal Law 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit III Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Define terms related criminal law. 1.1 Define terms related to criminal defenses. 1.2 Define insanity and how it is used as a defense. 3. Assess legal issues as presented in court cases. 3.1 Examine when deadly force can be used as a claim of self -defense. 3.2 Debate the use of the “battered woman’s” defense. 3.3 Analyze what constitutes entrapment by government agents. 4. Analyze key concepts related to criminal law. 4.1 Describe the nature of defenses. 4.2 Illustrate categories of justifications and excuses as defenses. 4.3 Explain how competency to stand trial is ass essed today. Reading Assignment Chapter 5 : Justifications as Defenses Chapter 6 : Defenses: Excuses and Insanity Read the following handouts: “Can a Defendant Who Lies About her Role in Spousal Homicide Still Raise a ‘Battered W oman’s’ Defense? ” “Is there a Meaningful Difference Between ‘Insanity’ and ‘ Temporary Insanity ’?” “What Constitutes Entrapment by Government Agents? ” Unit Lesson Please view the Unit III, Part 1 Presentation an d Unit III, Part 2 Presentation located underneath the Unit I II Study G uide in your course in Blackboard . UNIT III STUDY GUIDE Defenses and Insanity