Assignment- One

Case Study Presentation



Less than Satisfactory




100.0 %Criteria


10.0 %Summary of the Business Issue

A summary of the business issue is not presented.

A summary of the business issue is included, but inaccurate or incomplete.

A summary of the business issue is presented, but does not focus on the organization structure concerns of the case.

A summary of the business issue is presented and focuses on the organization structure concerns of the case.

A summary of the business issue is thoroughly presented and strongly focuses on the organization structure concerns of the case offering rich detail.

20.0 %Overview of at Least Two Viable Potential Resolutions Reinforces C.2.3: Recommend the application of newly developed or revised theories to specific business opportunities and challenges.

An overview of at least two potential resolutions is not presented.

An overview of at least two potential resolutions is presented, but resolutions are ill-conceived and illogical. No research or organization structure analysis support is offered.

An overview of at least two potential resolutions is presented, but is cursory and lacking in depth. Resolutions may be viable but appear hastily conceived and lack depth of thought. Research and organization structure analysis support are limited and from dated resources.

An overview of at least two potential resolutions is presented, logical, and thorough. Resolutions are viable, appear moderately well-conceived, and are logical. Research and organization structure analysis support are limited but from current resources.

An overview of at least two potential resolutions is thoroughly presented with clear logic and rich detail. Resolutions are viable and well-conceived and display exceptional depth of thought. Research and organization structure analysis support are thorough and from current resources.

20.0 %Overview of the Ethical Implications of Each Option and the Influence from the Mission, Vision and Core Values of Purple Cloud Reinforces C.2.2: Recognize that values and ethics are fundamental to business success and sustainability.

An overview of the ethical implications of each option and the influence from the mission, vision and core values of Purple Cloud is not presented.

An overview of the ethical implications of one option is presented, but inaccurate or illogical. The influence from the mission, vision and core values of Purple Cloud is vaguely addressed. No research support is offered.

An overview of the ethical implications of each option and the influence from the mission, vision and core values of Purple Cloud is presented, but is cursory and lacking in depth. Research support is limited and from dated resources.

An overview of the ethical implications of each option and the influence from the mission, vision and core values of Purple Cloud is presented and thorough. Research support is limited but from current resources.

An overview of the ethical implications of each option and the influence from the mission, vision and core values of Purple Cloud is thoroughly presented with rich detail. Research support is thorough and from current resources.

20.0 %Overview of and Rationale for Recommended Resolution Reinforces C.2.3: Recommend the application of newly developed or revised theories to specific business opportunities and challenges and C. 2.5: Validate and advance business practice through the appropriate application of business theory.

An overview of and rationale for the recommended resolution are not presented.

An overview of and rationale for the recommended resolution are presented, but the recommendation is illogical. No information of how the recommendation influences the long-term organizational health of Purple Cloud is given. No research support is offered.

An overview of and rationale for the recommended resolution are presented and include information of how the recommendation influences the long-term organizational health of Purple Cloud. The resolution and rationale appear hastily conceived and lack depth of thought. The overview is not concise.

An overview of and rationale for the recommended resolution are presented, logical, and moderately well-conceived and well justified. Information of how the recommendation influences the long-term organizational health of Purple Cloud is given and appears relatively well-conceived. The overview is relatively concise.

An overview of and rationale for the recommended resolution are concisely presented with clear logic and appropriate detail including well-conceived and well-justified information of how the recommendation influences the long-term organizational health of Purple Cloud. The overview conveys a thorough understanding of the interconnected nature of business events.

10.0 %Integration of Instructor Feedback

Integration of instructor feedback is either missing or not evident to the reader.

Integration of instructor feedback is vaguely attempted, but does not address the majority of instructor comments and suggestions.

Integration of instructor feedback is evident though it appears as a disjointed, cursory addition. Most of the instructor comments and suggestions are addressed.

Integration of instructor feedback is evident and relatively well incorporated into the natural flow of the paper. All instructor comments and suggestions are addressed.

Integration of instructor feedback is evident and meaningful. It is seamlessly incorporated into the flow of the paper. All instructor comments and suggestions are addressed.

10.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose

Presentation lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear.

Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the presentation. They are descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are clear and comprehensive; the essence of the presentation is contained within the thesis.

5.0 %Mechanics of Writing

Mechanical errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

5.0 %Layout

The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings, and subheadings to enhance the readability. The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text, small point size for fonts, and inappropriate contrasting colors. Poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting is evident.

The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or a distracting background. Overall readability is difficult due to lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold, or lack of appropriate indentations of text.

The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately. Sometimes the fonts are easy to read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color, or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability.

The layout background and text complement each other and enable the content to be easily read. The fonts are easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.

The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text.

100 %Total Weightage