Assessment Stage Assignment

Needs Assessment

The Navy human resource team analyzed the employee as well as organizational needs about the overall goals, before deciding on the appropriate program to implement. The Navy workforce needs to be active, energetic and on toes always so as to enhance the performance of the strenuous activities. Identification of a gap between the skills of the workforce and the necessary skills for efficient present and future performance called for the requirement of an intervention. Various needs, for instance, performance, analytic, diagnostic and compliance needs were identified during assessment. The gap was majorly caused by employees being reluctant after being assigned to the Navy. They did not take personal training seriously, and with time some employees could not perform certain strenuous activities in time and efficiently. The gap was also caused by biological factors like giving birth for women employees; who seemed ineffective after maternity. Therefore, the training program aimed at enhancing organizational performance, workforce productivity and employee health and wellness. Through physical and fitness training, maternity health support, nutrition services, tasks, the employees will be able to advance their productivity since they will be healthy and strong enough to perform Navy activities.


After identification of the training needs a design is created to determine the objectives of the program including the where what, who and how the identified intervention will be implemented. According to Mrs. Howard, their design team started by formulating program objectives relating to the needs for training; as well as a lesson plan with step by step guideline on how to implement the training program. Their design was an in-house program that was to be implemented at their institution; and was to involve all assigned Navy employees. The training was to take place on a daily basis with a semi-annual Physical Readiness Training and Performance Fitness Assessment. Mrs. Howard was a lead trainer together with other three male personnel for specific employee groups. The approaches utilized were classroom based for health training, on-the-job training as well as self-paced training. Each approach employed a particular combination of techniques that suited the training environment.


Determination of the methods of delivering training was the next step and involved three training delivery methods- on-job-training, self-paced training and classroom training. Implementation involved the trainers selecting the suitable training techniques for the Navy personnel. The appropriate delivery of training achieved by the Navy health and wellness program follows the identification of needs and clearly formulated objectives. On-job-training entailed mentoring and coached as well as job rotation and instructions training. Classroom training involved discussions and lectures coupled with experimental methods. Self-paced training consisted of technological training, for example, computer-based tasks and workbooks. Depending on the training method utilized, all the health and wellness tasks were appropriately fulfilled.