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Giving Voices to Values

Part I

The experience I had was in a club committee where I was in charge of finances. The club’s main aim of formation was to help the needy have a better life through calling for donors and helping the needy. At one point in the meeting, some of the members grew the urge to benefit themselves by imposing heavy benefits for themselves for participating in the committee affairs. As one of the leader, it was not fair and so I stood up to make an objection to that. The club was a voluntary one meant to serve the poor in the society and not to take from them.

The move to stand up for the people we represent in the society caused my friendship. I lost some friends and became the enemy of the people. However, deep down in my heart, I knew that my decision was right and had good motives for the people suffering in the society. The need to see the poor rise from the ashes was my motivation. I was at last able to negotiate healthy commissions that people in the club could receive. Currently, am totally satisfied with my actions as they played a role in helping save cash that was utilized in help the needy people. Things within my control made it easier for me to speak out.

Part II

It was during my internship program when I was faced with a situation that caused a dilemma. My senior accountant was stealing money from the organization and I could prove it from the records that showed how large chunks of money were being transferred to his account. The senior management was not aware of that but there was a conflict as to why the company needed to raise more money through the issue of shares. I was afraid to speak for the fear of what the accountant could do to me outside the work premises for revenge. However, I loved the company so much and knew that keeping mum about the issue was as good as committing the felony. I felt unsatisfied about the issue because I knew something wrong was going to happen to the entity. I would have wanted the accountant to be sacked, return the stolen money and prosecuted for theft of the company resources. It would have been easier for me to act if things were under my control. At that time, I was only an intern without any authority in the business.