Module 04 Course Project - Rough Draft


The outline for Michigan City Landfill: Overfill

Student: Sheila Cole

Michele Howerton- Vargas

Communicating In Your profession



  1. Finding better ways of eliminating waste in the City of Michigan

  2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the people in the city

  3. The waste overfill has become a serious challenge faced by the residents of Michigan, and the people are up to eliminate the waste problem.


  1. The city of Michigan has experienced a lot of waste facilities that have lasted for the past decade. The city capacity for dumping is beyond 40% that is above average.

  2. The waste has made the city to be considered unhealthy for sustaining human life due to the unsafe, unsanitary, and unwise positions for the people living in the region.

  3. Unhygienic conditions lead to the cause of many diseases that can kill any people within the city. The waste products need to be managed and dumped to regions that are set aside for the purpose and far from the human residence.


  1. The constructions of landfills that can be used to collect the waste have been proposed.

  2. The use of recyclable bags for packaging items has been suggested as a major solution to the dumped waste into regions that can spread disease-causing germs.

  3. However, without initiating the suggested solutions of eliminating waste and using material that can be recyclable, Michigan City will soon turn to be a city that will draw in trash.

  4. The campaign for recycling of waste has taken effect in some parts of the city to ensure that hygiene is maintained.


  1. Alternative material can be used to package things to avoid plastic bags that create a bad impression to the surrounding when disposed

  2. Ensuring that more landfills have been created within the outskirts of Michigan

  3. More biodegradable material to be used to avoid waste that does not decompose hence producing toxic gases after reacting with the soil chemicals to cause unhealthy environment.