10D1-08-Your Personal Code of Ethics. Explain what you now want to change and why. Describe any concerns you have about how you can apply this personal code, and explain how you will mitigate these concerns.



It is of importance to note that codes of ethics refer to those principles designed for the purpose of helping professionals to conduct themselves with honesty as well as integrity. In other words, people who are professional are required to handle problems based on the ethical principles as well as the position held in the profession. The professional codes are set so as to guide the behaviors of the professional members.

In the performance of duties, as a civil servant in the public administration office, one is expected to demonstrate commitment as well as highest level professionalism when one is doing their duties. It is the responsibility of professionals to comply as well as upholding laws. More importantly, is ensuring that they are dealing with public fairly and efficiently based on their abilities as per (Spector, 2012).

Civil servants are also to respect the rights of those individuals whom they are dealing with. That is privacy should be upheld at all time. They are also supposed to conduct themselves in a way that the public is likely to trust them as well as having confidence in them.

As a civil servant, one has an obligation to treat their colleagues as well as the general public with courtesy and respect. It means that they should be under no circumstance cause embarrassment to their member and public at large. The civil servants are also oblique to be considerate in their dressing code as well as be keen in their talk. More importantly, they are not supposed to take alcohol while serving the public as it results in losing control.


Howard, B. (2015). E-commerce: How to create, collaborate, and succeed in the sharing economy.

Spector, T. (2012). The ethical architect: The dilemma of contemporary practice. New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press.