1 page single space essay

BUS 103: Assignment 2

Business Press Papers and Informal Presentation

This assignment consists of two short papers and one informal presentation, and it is 10% of your final grade.

Assignment Overview:

You are expected to complete two short papers (one page each, single-spaced) during the semester (Paper 1 is due XX and Paper 2 is due XX) and to informally present on one of these papers during class.

Your papers should synthesize an article taken from the business press and answer the questions provided below. The presentation will be a 5-minute informal delivery of one of your papers on XX.

Paper One:

Topic: Success in College

  • Discuss the relationship between success in college and future success, and how success in college might give a person an edge. Include specific examples to support your argument.

Paper Two:

Topic: Business Communications

  • Pick two business communication strategies mentioned in your article and discuss how they can impact the success of a business professional. Tell how you can apply these strategies to your future career.

Articles can be taken from any of the following:

-- The Wall Street Journal

-- Forbes

-- The New York Times

-- The Washington Post

-- Harvard Business Press

-- The Financial Times

-- The Economist

-- Bloomberg Businessweek (formerly BusinessWeek)