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 It is the political crisis that affects to the use and continuity of the fundamental laws, like the Constitution. Depending on the degree of flexibility of this one, the change of constitution can imply a discontinuity in the legality that has political problems.

There are two forms to be able to understand a little to President Donald Trump, it was dismissed of the work James Comey, and he is not reasonable either. First it is Vista of many controversies that happened so that Comey clearly was dismissed. The director of FBI would have widely to be of the confidence of the American town. Comey is not very reliable to follow like director of FBI, this is a new beginning and a good idea. The second form is that it does not want an independent triumph by the director of FBI, wants that he is somebody completely to subordinate it him. All you must agree that Comey is not a servile type. It likes or no, he was not a young man. When Comey was position of an investigation, it went ahead with the facts by its own judgment.

The first form of understanding is re comfortable but second he is alarming. Because if the one or other is not right (or both), this is the responsibility of the Senate that assigns to the new director of FBI, It would have to be a person of impeccable professionalism, to partisanship and integrity. At this moment of our history, the United States is fighting with unusually high levels of the polarization and the distrust, and FBI is involved in investigations that involve the own White House. The responsibility of the Senate never has been more solemn.

On the other hand we have another type of constitutional crisis, which they are too many protests that are in discord by the sheltered people and immigrants in the American United States, the majority are Muslim by the migratory decree that started up day 30 of January of the 2017, After the decree it was added that those who have the legal residential permit in the United States known as green card do not have problems to enter and leave the country only if they are constantly will cause of debrief to verify they not be a terrorist people,This was of the controversial causes for this constitutional crisis of President Donald Trump, Said by the democratic representative Don Beye and by Linsey senator Graham with this phrase “THEY HELP MAS TO TERRORIST RECAUTAR THAT TO BETTER OUR SECURITY”. Other democratic senators have described the decision as the agent chief executive of “outrageous” and “a serious error” that comprises “of the very worrisome act on the part of the government of Trump, the democratic legislators assure that the destitution of Comey is an abuse authority and a sample of culpability, this I cause to raise many questions as if the white house was involvement blatantly in the penal question?

There are many similar preoccupations that they have presented the senators republican, like John Mc Cain, whom since said to be in favor “disappointed very” of the decision of president Donald Trump, requires to the congress urgently a special commission to investigate the supposed interference of Russia in the elections of the 2016, it is rumored that information to the Russians by somebody in the white house occurred him and this was involved in this.