Week 3 Discussion 2

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the case study you selected from the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook and ethical decision-making model you selected. Then explain how you would apply this ethical decision-making model to the case study.

Applying EDM Models

Case Study #7: I Feel Exhausted

Elaine is a young counseling currently in her postmaster’s counseling practice. She just made a big decision to move to a new town and leave all her friends and family behind. Her first initial thought or feelings was that of excitement she would hopefully fulfil her professional goal of gaining a leadership role to help create positive change in the community in which she worked in. In a direct result of her large case load, Elaine often times felt she was on the edge of burn out or fatigue (Herlihy & Corey, 2015, p.187-189). She was often times overworked, felt she was lacking support from others around and this made her feel like she was unable to reach out to others for support. Her social life played a huge impact on her overwhelmed feelings, she felt unable to make new friends and the failure of relationship with friends and loved ones because of lack of communication. She began to sleep more than usual, have little to no motivation physically; ordering and spending most of her free time watching TV.

Ethical Decision-Making Model:

Elaine work stress has to be addressed because of its potential unhealthy consequences it has on her person and professional life. She is at some point could be putting herself at risk of impairment to her professional life, which could lead down a path of, limited interaction with clients, suspension, or even termination of her professional responsibilities until deemed to work again. These measures are used only when there may be a threat of harm to client. For Elaine there is an ethical decision making model that could apply to this case. I would implicate Virtue Ethical Decision Making Model (VEDM) this EDM is used to analyze a dilemma or situation that is having an impairing affect of a counselor in order to avoid harmful acts to clients (Garcia et. Al, 2003).


Garcia, J. G., Cartwright, B., Winston, S. M., & Borzuchowska, B. (2003). A transcultural integrative model for ethical decision making in counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development, 81(3), 268–277.
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Herlihy, B., & Corey, G. (2015). Case Study 7: I Feel Exhausted. ACA ethical standards casebook (7th ed.). pp. 187-189. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.