Course Plan

Assessing Needs:

*(To be completed in Unit IV: Include a summary of your results and findings from the survey you conducted in Unit III. Remove this note when completing this section.)

Setting Goals:

*(To be completed in Unit IV: Include the goals and objectives of your course plan. Remove this note when completing this section.)

Specifying Learning Content:

*(To be completed in Unit IV: Include the material you will cover in your course. Remove this note when completing this section.)

Pacing the Learning:

*(To be completed in Unit IV: Include the sequence and duration for your course. Remove this note when completing this section.)

Written Reflection, Part 1:

*(Write a reflection at least two pages, justifying how your plan meets the needs of your adult learners. Address each of the following in your reflection:

  • How does this plan support the assumptions of andragogy?

  • How does this plan address the seven characteristics of effective teaching?

  • How does this plan incorporate your strengths as a teacher leader?

  • How does this plan encourage learners to think for themselves?

  • How did you use these findings to develop the sample course plan to most effectively meet the needs of your adult learners?

Remove this note when completing this section.)
