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Red word is the “key principles” that I think. You can use the ‘KEY PRINCIPLES OF CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING” pdf choose the key principles that you think, and ask question for each article. Just fallow the “instruction”.

  1. Chapter 1: Exploring the managed heart Arlie Hoch P7-11

Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers

  1. Chapter 1: The Cring anf the craven: Freedom of Expression in the Workplace P11-14

Stewardship of Creation

  1. Chapter 4: Lies, Damned Lies, and Managed Earnings P132-139

Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers

Human Dignity

  1. Chapter 5: rich and poor Peter Singer P214-216

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

  1. Chapter 5: A capitalist conception of Justice Irving Kristol P217-223


Community and the Common Good