Discussion Responses 2

I totally agree that stress management is so important and should be addressed within the work place. There is no way employees will be at their peak productivity without stress management skills and strong mental health. What type of interventions would you think would be helpful in the stress management training program? As someone working in the field, I would suggest both educational sessions to teach coping skills (which you mentioned) but also experiential workshops so allow participants to practice and experience the skill. I would include meditation, art, yoga, and others in the workshops.

heres another

Great job with your posting this week! Interesting perspective as you are a mental health counselor. I choose stress management as my HRD issue most need of prevention. I feel like a lot of mental health and substance issues are the end result of improper stress management by the employees. I feel like if we can teach people how to manage their levels of stress they will never need the coping mechanisms you’ve highlighted. As I am twenty-seven I found the second discussion question particularly interesting. I do feel like I am at a point developmentally where I am striving becoming established in my current career and field. I am definitely hoping to successfully navigate this phase and thus, have higher job satisfaction, advance within the company and ultimately receive higher financial rewards. I completely agree with you that there needs to be ongoing training for employees in the midlife transition phase to ensure that they do not “grow apart” from the company and vice versa. Good response