nutrition project

Your Name: Post your Diet Analysis Project as an attachment in the Assignment Folder in either docx or pdf format. The Diet Analysis Proje ct is worth 11 % of your grade (65 points). Part 1: Healthy Meal Planning. 15 points (each is worth 3 points). 1.) What is the Harvard healthy eating plate? Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). Describe how the recommendations of Harvard healthy eating plate compare with what you do at home. Explain how the actual size of the plate affects how much you consume for each meal. Describe the difference or similarity in the actual plate sizes at restaurants compared to the actual plate size you use at home. (Minimum 10 sentences) Plac e your answer here. 2.) Explain how the size of the plate at a salad bar in a restaurant affects the amount of food you consume before eating the main course. Describe the recommendations for each section of the Harvard healthy eating plate . Explain why the fruit section smaller than the vegetable section of the plate. Describe what items are not on the plate but are included beside the plate. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Pla ce your answer here. 3.) Describe the recommendations for water and other beverages. Describe your consumption of water or other beverages with each of your daily meals. Explain how the consumption of water or other beverages before or during a meal can affec t how much food is consumed during the meal. Identify and describe healthy drinks. Identify and describe beverages you should limit or avoid. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 4.) Explain what is meant by sustainability. Explain how sustainability benefit consumers. Explain how you as a consumer can promote sustainability in your local supermarket. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link f or your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 5.) Identify the number of vegetables and fruits which are grown locally or regionally and compare with the number of vegetables and fruits imported into the United States. Provide a list identifying where your favorite vegetables and fruits are grown. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. Part 2: Diet Analysis. 20 points (each is worth 4 points). 6.) Food Diary – Day 1 – Table 1. Copy and paste Day 1 from MyFitnessPal. Include the date with this table. Place Table 1 here. 7.) Food Diary – Day 2 – Table 2. Copy and paste Day 2 from MyFitnessPal. Include the date with this table. Place Tabl e 2 here. 8.) Food Diary – Day 3 – Table 3. Copy and paste Day 3 from MyFitnessPal. Include the date with this table. Place Table 3 here. 9.) Which day had the most total calories (include the number of total calories for this day)? How do the total dail y calories for this day compare with the total daily calories for the other two days (include the actual number of calories for all three days)? Which meal for this day contributed the most calories? Is this meal normally your biggest meal of the day? Whic h food contributed the most calories for this meal? ( Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 10.) Identify the total daily amount of sodium, fiber, and cholesterol for each day of your Food Diary.

Do you meet the recommended daily amounts of sodium, fiber, and cholesterol? Describe how you can lower your sodium and cholesterol intake. Describe how you can increase your intake of fiber. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. Part 3: Diet and Health. 15 points (each is worth 3 points). 11.) Use the results on your personal Food Diary. Identify the total amount of protein you consumed for each of the three days . Identify the foods that contributed to your daily intake of proteins for each of the three day. Did you consume more red meat protein than other protein sources?

Which meal(s) contributed the most red meat protein? Describe the sources of protein your pa rents served you. Explain how this influenced your protein choices as an adult. (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 12.) Identify the recommended amount of protein you should consume daily in grams and % of calories . Compare this amount with the tot al protein you consumed for each day in your Food Diary. Are you within in the recommended daily allowance ? Please explain your answer. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answe r here. 13.) Identify two high -protein animal foods and the possible health problems associated with these delicious high protein animal foods. Identify the amount of protein in these foods. Identify a high - protein animal food that reduces the potential problems. Identify the amount of protein, sodium, and saturated fat found in this food . Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 14.) Identify two chronic diseases associated with the consumption of red meat and processed red meat. Does your diet pu t you at risk for these chronic diseases? Explain your answer. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 15.) In order to for you to reduce your intake of red meat a nd processed red meat it is helpful to find delicious recipes to wean yourself away from red meat. Provide two recipes : one recipe using Nuts, Seeds, Beans, and /or Tofu ; one recipe using Fish and /or other types of Seafood. Identify the amount of protein, s aturated fat, and sodium in one serving of each of your recipes. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for reliable your source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. Part 4. Energy Balance and Weight Management. 15 points (each is worth 3 points). 16.) Explain the meaning of energy balance. Explain how energy balance is related to weight management. What is Total Energy Expenditure (TEE)? Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source (s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 17.) Compare the estimated number of calories you need to maintain energy balance and a healthy body weight for three different activity levels. Describe your current activity level. Identify your reliable so urce(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 18.) Eating just 150 calories more a day than you use can lead to an extra 5 pounds over 6 months . That’s a gain of 10 pounds a year . If you don't want this weight gain to happen, or you want to lose the extra weight, you can either reduce your ENERGY IN or increase your ENERGY OUT. Find a reliable online source to help you with this question. Describe three ways to cut 150 calories or more (ENERGY IN). Describe three ways to burn 150 calories or more (ENERGY OUT). Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 19.) Describe two of the eas iest ways to determine your body mass index. Explain what this index means. You do not have to post your body mass index. While the body mass index is important, not all fat is equal. Describe another very simple way to measure localized body fat. Explain why this measurement is important. Explain why a sedentary lifestyle is not beneficial to your health.

Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here. 20.) Many people spen d a lot of their work day sitting at a desk, this does not burn a lot of calories. Find a reliable source on the Internet for three exercises that you can do at your desk. Identify the site. Describe the three exercises and identify how many calories can be burned while sitting at a desk. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences) Place your answer here.