Page 537 16.3 Evaluating Visuals Evaluate each of the following visuals by answering the following questions. Is the visual’s message clear?

Is it the right visual for the story?

Is the visual designed appropriately? Is color, if any, used appropriately?

Is the visual free from chartjunk?

Does the visual distort data or mislead the reader in any way?


[1] Represents the exchange of Property Tax for Cities and County Sales and Use Tax as authorized under Assembly Bill 1766, chaptered August 2, 2003. [2] Represents the exchange of Property Tax for Cities and County Vehicle License Fees as authorized under Senate Bill 1096, chaptered August 5, 2004. [3] Revenue for Schools has been reduced by the ERAF deficit as authorized under Senate Bill 1096, chaptered August 5, 2004.

[4] Effective February 1, 2012, Redevelopment agencies were dissolved and related revenue will be allocated as provided by Assembly Bill X1 26, chaptered June 29, 2011. Source: accounting/faqs/where-do-property-taxes-go PRINTED BY: SHERIFAT EGBERONGBE . Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted.