Need 4 page paper with 5 academic references.

CIS4253: Ethics in Information Technology Assignment 1 Grading Rubric Student Name: _____ ____________ _______ Score: ______________________ Assi gnment 1: Ethics and Leadership Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70 -79% C Proficient 80 -89% B Exemplary 90 -100% A Articulate the ethical issues Weight: 1 0% Ethical Issues in the profession is/are not clear and/or lack significance Ethical Issues in the profession not stated quite as clearly and/or self -reflection is missing . Ethical Issues in profession are stated but self -reflection is not well articulated . Ethical Is sue s in the profession are well articulated. Self -reflection is well -written. Identify Inspirational Leadership Characteristics to improve ethics in the organization Weight: 1 0% Names only one inspirational leadership characteristic demonstrated by the leader BUT fails to adequately explain how the leader utilizes or demonstrates it. Names 2 or more inspirational leadership characteristics demonstrated by the leader BUT adequately explains ho w the leader utilizes or demonstrates only one trait. Names at least 3 inspirational leadership characteristics demonstrated by the leader AND adequately explains how the leader utilizes or demonstrates at least 2 of the traits. Names 3 or more inspirational leadership characteristics demonstrated by the leader AND FULLY explains how the leader utilizes or demonstrates ALL of the traits. Reflection Weight: 1 0% Fails to state that the leader's actions or characteristics have inspired or impacted student ’s ethical awareness in a positive way, and fails to identify how. States that the leader's actions or characteristics have inspired or impacted the student in a positive way, but fails to identify how. Adequately identifies how the leader's actions or characteristics have inspired or impacted the student in a positive way. Clearly identifies how the leader's acti ons or characteristics have inspired or impacted the student in a positive way. Summarize the interview and compare and contrast with own perception and exi sting theories Weight: 1 5% Fails to provide a n adequate summary Summarize d the answers gathered in the interview but lacks but lacks comparison of own point of view about leadership with own perception of it and the existing theories. Adequately summarize d the answers gathered in the interview and compare d and contrast ed own point of view about leadership with own perception of it and the existing theories. Thoroughly summarize d the answers gathered in the interview and compare d and contrast ed own point of view about leadership with own perception of it and the existing theories. Analyze the leadership and ethical values of the leader interviewed and assess its impact in the ethical performance of the organization. Weight: 30% Fails to submit any analysis Some analysis of leade rship and ethical values of the leader interviewed and partially assessed its impact in the ethical performance of the organization. Very little evidence of critical thinking. Adequately analy zed the leadership and ethical values of the leader interviewed and satisfactorily assessed its impact in the ethical performance of the organization. Some evidence of critical thinking. Thoroughly analy zed the leadership and ethical values of the leader interviewed and thoroughly assessed its impact in the ethical performance of the organization. Use of References Weight: 10% No references provided. Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. Overall Writing Skills Weight: 15% Contains many and serious errors of punctuation, spelling and/or capitalization; errors sev erely interfere with meaning. Formatting is week or incorrect/inappropriate. Contains many errors of punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization. Errors interfere with meaning in places. Fo rmatting incorrect in places. Sentences show error of structure; little or no variety ; no grasp of sentence flow. Does not utilize tables or figures to convey concepts. Concepts and ideas are unclear. Contains only occasional punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors. Few formatting errors . Explains the concepts and ideas. However, the explanation may be lacking such that it is not understandable to a range of audiences (either too technical or, alternatively, lacks appropriate detail). Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, capitalization err ors. Appropriate formatting. Each sentence structured effectively, powerfully; rich, well - chosen variety of sentence styles and length. Tone an d point -of-view appropriate. Clearly and concisely explains the concepts and ideas such t hat a range of audiences can gain an appropriate level of understanding of the project.