Analyze approaches to managing change. In this Assignment, you will write a 3–5 page paper that includes the following:

Unit 4 GM50 4 | Organizational Excellence and Change 1 of 2 Assignment 1 : Focus Paper Change initiative is used to move from the identified state of a system to the desired state. Using your selected organization, as a manager, you would want to identif y the various stakeholders who would be aff ected by your change initiative so that you can take appropriate actions to have a positive result. In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcome: GM504 -3: Analyze approaches to manag ing change. In this Assignment, you will write a 3 –5 page paper that includes the following:  Think of a possible change initiative in your selected organization. This could be the one you identified in Unit 3. Briefly describe the initiative.  Identify the possible stakeholders – those people or organizations that would positively or negatively aff ect a successful outcome.  Identify two key stakeholders who would be supportive of the initiative and two who would resist it.  Provide recommendations f or actions to take that would mitigate or change the position of the resisting stakeholders. Criteria ● W rite a 3 –5 page paper (plus title and ref erence pages) ● Use the Focus Paper T emplate to complete your Assignment. Save the document using the naming convention: Username_Unit4_ FocusPaper .doc ● The paper should have a minimum of three cited and ref erenced academically credible sources from outside of the course material s– one of which must be a peer reviewed (scholarly) journal article. Your sources should f ollow proper APA format. (Review the APA f ormats found in the Kaplan W riting Center. To access the Kaplan W riting Center, select this link .). ● Review the Rubric below to ensure all points have been captured in the paper. Directions for submitting your Assignment Submit the Assignment to the Unit 4 Assignment 1 : Focus Paper Dropbox by the end of Unit 4. Unit 4 GM50 4 | Organizational Excellence and Change 2 of 2 GM504 Unit 4 Assignment 1: Focus Paper Content (50%) Possible Points Possible Earned Organization change Initiative and stakeholder identification. 30 Analysis (30%) Analysis To include recommendations 18 Writing (20%) Grammar, spelling, and paragraph construction. 6 List all of your ref erences according to APA f ormat. Include a minimum of three cited and ref erenced academically credible sources from outside of the course materials – at least one of which is a peer reviewed (scholarly) journal article. 6 LATE Paper Deduction -0 Total Points Earned 60