Discussion Board Post

BUSI 561

Discussion Board Forum 3 Instructions

Topic: Starting and Naming a Business

Before you complete the following steps, see the Discussion Board Forum 3 Case Study; the Discussion Board Forum – Thread and Discussion Board Forum – Replies Grading Rubrics; and the specific requirements of the posts, including length, scholarly sources, and citations.

Thread Prompt:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Advise Shania on which of the business forms under consideration best accomplishes her business goals. Thoroughly explain the reasons for your recommendation.

  2. Advise Shania on whether her company should become a franchise or should open as an independent coffeehouse. Explain your recommendation.

  3. Perform a corporate name search at this website to determine if the name Shania is considering is available for use in the State of Colorado. Also assess whether the name is available as a trademark. Even if the name is available, advise Shania on whether it is a good choice. Explain why or why not.

  4. Advise Shania on which of the interested persons she should include in her business, why, and in what role(s). If she chooses not to take in a particular party, what reasons should she give each person, if any? Your analysis must include biblical perspectives, such as biblical considerations of marriage and of business relationships with non-believers.

To successfully post your thread, you must both (1) upload a Microsoft Word copy of the thread to the provided SafeAssign assignment link and (2) copy the content of the thread and paste it into the Discussion Board Forum. Do not post attachments in the forum; they will not be accepted or graded.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.