For Prof tutor only******

Integr ated Busines s Port folio Over view -Part 1 As part of th e capstone experience, student s are ex pec ted to devel op learning statements that addresses each of the nine program outcomes for the underg raduate bu siness deg ree. The Portfolio is worth 10% of the course gra de and includes the foll owing sec tions: - Cover sheet - Table of contents page - Prof ess ional resume - Le arning statement sect ion (how course tas ks and assig nment s have helped stu dent s develop and demon strate com petencies addressed by each program out co me) - Refer en ce page (if a pplica ble) - App end ix (includ es assi gnments relative to each program outcome offer ed as evi dence of le arning) The portfolio must me et APA guidelines and consist of not less than 9 pag es not includ ing th e cover sheet, resume, table of contents, refer ences, or appendix page s. Portfolio Guide The Int eg rated Business Portfolio should be compiled using the foll owing structure: I. Cover Sheet a. Includ e nam e, course title, assig nment title, date II. Ta ble of Co ntents Page a. Includ e secti on titles and corr espond ing pages in document III. Profess ional Resu me a. Two page resume th at follows th e Resu me Te mplate provided IV. Lear ning Statement s Se ction that co nsis ts of r eflective statement s addressing each of th e nine program outcomes in th e Business Degr ee Program. Ea ch learning statement should be one page in length and descri be how course tas ks and assi gnment s have helped the stu dent ach ieve the re leva nt out com e’s ex pec tations for learning . V. A P ortfolio Te mp late is availa ble in BUS 511 course shell for the student s to download a nd use to create th eir Integ ra ted Business Port folio.